Photo: Kulturen i Lund

11 Art Residencies You Need To Apply May 2022

To help give you hope we prepared for you a new set of art residencies. Don’t wait too long. You can plan your career now. See the list of art residency programmes for artists, art writers and art workers that can change your career.


ARCUS Project’s artist-in-residence program provides opportunities for emerging artists in the field of contemporary art to cultivate their artistic creativity and vision. Located around an hour from Tokyo, a residency at ARCUS Studio allows participants in the program to come into contact with the contemporary art scene in Japan as well as devote themselves to their creative endeavors in a calm environment while interacting with the local community.

Who can apply:

  • emerging artist engaged in contemporary visual arts or other related fields.
  • possess a nationality other than Japanese.
  • be resident outside Japan and able to enter Japan legally.
  • not be enrolled at an educational institution during the program period unless it is a PhD program.
  • be in a state of good health and able to carry out daily activities on his/her own.
  • have an English-language ability proficient enough to communicate with other artists
  • and staff.

Application deadline: 13 May 2022.


  • The artist is provided with 180,000 JPY for living and other basic expenses and 450,000 JPY for expenses related to any kind of his/her artistic activities. In total, 630,000 JPY is provided for the 100-day program period.

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The ACC_Research Fellow Program 2022 welcomes domestic and foreign applicants who wish to conduct a research on Asian culture to broaden humanistic discourse and cultural horizons. This program will run for two to three months from June 20 up to October 31, 2022, depending on the duration stipulated on the researchers’ application.

Who can apply:

  1. Experienced researchers.
  • Anyone who has received a doctorate and more than 10 years of experience in related fields or has a career of more than 5 years following an associate professorship at a College
  • Anyone who has published more than five of academic results as below during the last 5 years (From January 1, 2017 till now)
  1. Emerging researchers.
  • Anyone who has received a doctorate in a related field
  • Anyone who has published more than three of academic results as below during the last 5 years (From January 1, 2017 till now)

Application deadline: 13 May 2022.


  • Research Grant (per month/Tax included): Max. KRW 3,570,000 for Experienced Researchers / Max. KRW 2,380,000 for Emerging Researchers)
  • Two installments: first upon the submission of the implementation plan report and second upon the final thesis.
  • All trips and relevant costs for the research is included in the grant.
  • A designated accommodation in the ACC (only for one person)
  • A research room in the ACC
  • One round-trip airfare (Economy)
  • ACC will offer support for documents and other services for new visa applications while it will not be liable for any problems in regards to changing, reissuing or extending visa.

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The Bioart Society is calling for Finnish artists or artists based in Finland to apply for a one month art & science research residency in Tokyo, Japan, in autumn-winter 2022. The residency will be hosted by BioClub Tokyo in partnership with the Finnish Institute in Japan.

Application deadline: 13 May 2022.


  • The residency will cover international and local travel, accommodation, working materials, access to workshops and local art & science communities for one artist up to 4000 EURO.
  • During the residency, the facilities of the BioClub Tokyo will be available for the artist. This includes a fully equipped BSL1 lab, as well as a co-working space with fabrication equipment such as a laser cutter and a 3D printer. 
  • The artists need to cover their materials, reagents and plasticware. 
  • The residency will also support research visits within the wider network of BioClub Tokyo and the Finnish Institute in Japan, such as the metaPhorest Art & BioMedia Group at Waseda University and the BioLab at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media.

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The program includes a series of fully-funded residencies that provide art professionals with time, space, and collaboration opportunities to support their creative development. The program offers residencies in the historical district of Jeddah “Al Balad,” a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Who can apply:

  • artists, curators, writers (critics and art historians) from Saudi Arabia and worldwide who are at the beginning or middle of their career in the visual arts field.

Application deadline: 14 May 2022.


  • Round trip ticket to/from Jeddah
  • Accommodation at a limited distance from the studios’ venue
  • A stipend of 6000 Saudi riyals ($1600) to cover residents’ personal and living expenses
  • A production allowance (artists only) usually ranging from 5000 to 10000 Saudi riyals ($1300-2600) for applicants who need financial support to cover project-related costs and choose a production-based residency in their application. The allowance is granted upon revision and acceptance by the organizers.
  • Accommodation: a private room in accommodation place at a limited distance from the working studios’ location.
  • Meals: residents take care of their meals independently. Residents are often invited to share lunch or dinner.
  • Computer/Internet use: Wi-Fi.
  • Accessibility: the studios are located on the ground floor of Rubat el Khunji building. Apartments for accommodation can be accessed by elevators.
  • The studio’s space includes a kitchenette and room which can be used for public/group gatherings.
  • Facilities: residents have access to several facilities, such as: a library, manufacturing laboratories, etc. in cooperation with program partners.

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Green heritage story is a residency project that invite two international artists to interpret the  biological cultural heritage in connection to Kulturens Östarp, a cultural reserve in Vombsjösänkan in the south of Sweden. The residency is part of ARNA’s art project Växande historia in which a total of 8-10 art happenings are developed to meet the public during the outdoor Biosphere festival in Vombsjösänkan 10-18 September 2022.

Kulturens Östarp is a unique open-air museum and one of two cultural reserves in the region of Skåne. It is located in a rolling and scenic landscape in the southwestern parts of the Vomb Basin. Kulturens Östarp is part of the older village Östarp which has been known since 1530. Around Kulturen’s Östarp are older farm environments and a small broken agricultural landscape with small fields, meadows, fences and grazing cows that are reminiscent of old-time farming. Unusual meadow flowers and wild bees mingle here with old landraces of many animal species. The area is owned and managed since 1924 by the museum Kulturen i Lund.

Application deadline: 15 May 2022.


  • Return tickets for travels to ARNA in Sweden. 
  • Free accommodation. Daily allowance 220 SEK/day. 
  • 4000 SEK in support to material costs.

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Photo: Kulturen i Lund
Photo: Kulturen i Lund


The South-South Arts Fellowships 2022 aim to nurture wider and deeper connections among cultural workers within the Global South. The Fellowships will support initiatives that enable long-term professional networks, alliances and collaborations among cultural workers living and working in developing economies in Africa (including North Africa), Asia (including West Asia and Central Asia) and the Pacific.

Who can apply:

  • cultural workers and artists/creative practitioners living and working in developing economies in Africa (including North Africa), Asia (including West Asia and Central Asia) and the Pacific.

Application deadline: 15 May 2022.


  • A stipend of USD 3000 per Fellowship awarded (this stipend is an honorarium for the fellows for their ideas and work on the Fellowship activities)
  • Feedback on proposals and access to new networks from three advisors to the Fellowship program: Khadija El Bennaoui (Morocco/UAE), Deirdre Prins-Solani (South Africa) and Pooja Sood (India)
  • A grant of USD 3000 per Fellowship for curating and organizing one virtual or hybrid activity to develop the proposed idea or initiative. Selected fellows will work on this activity individually. Activities may be inter-regional or intra-regional in scope, i.e., linking different regions within Africa (note: here, ‘Africa’ includes North Africa) or linking different regions within Asia (note: here, ‘Asia’ includes West Asia and Central Asia) orlinking different regions within the Pacific or linking different regions of Africa, Asia and the Pacific
  • An amount of up to USD 20,000 is available in total for curating and organizing up to three inter-regional virtual activities. This budget is shared between all 5 Fellowships. Selected fellows will organise these activities in collaboration with one another.

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The residence for research and creation in contemporary art welcomes the artist in the old renovated farmhouse Nekatoenea, located in the heart of the Domaine d’Abbadia in Hendaye, a protected natural site on the Basque Corniche, property of the Conservatoire du Littoral. Due to its geographical location, in the Basque Country, between France and Spain, on the border between land and ocean, the residence offers a diversity of natural environments and research themes, both scientific and sociological.

Who can apply:

  • Lasting four months, the residency is aimed at professional artists with an already established artistic career and who have not recently benefited from a residency in New Aquitaine.
  • The artist must be able to make invoices.

Application deadline: 22 May 2022.


  • a grant of €1,400 including tax per month of residence attendance for a maximum total of €5,600 including tax.
  • participation in travel expenses for round trips, for a maximum reimbursable amount of €500 including tax on receipts.
  • production aid of a maximum amount of €1,200 including tax on invoices. 
  • assistance with the production of a printed, virtual or multimedia edition (compulsory end-of-residency testimony), for a maximum reimbursable amount of €2,000 including tax on invoices. The copies will be shared between the host structure and the artist.

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Het Nieuwe Instituut and Tilting Axis are launching the third iteration of the Fellowship program for mid-career or established applicants based in the Caribbean. The initiative aims to foster and stimulate mutual exchange between the Caribbean region and the Dutch cultural field. Together with the leading partners – Het Nieuwe Instituut and Tilting Axis – other cultural institutions including Amsterdam Museum, De Appel, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, and Kunstinstituut Melly will collaborate with the selected applicant during the Fellowship.

Who can apply:

  • One mid-career or established researcher, artist, designer, writer, curator, or cultural producer based in the Caribbean region interested in building new links with cultural institutions in the Netherlands, and with an interest in developing their practice around themes related to architecture, spatial practice, design or digital culture.

Application deadline: 27 May 2022.


  • This Fellowship focuses on applicants living and working within the Caribbean region and is both research and practice-led. 
  • The selected applicant will be based in Rotterdam at Het Nieuwe Instituut and will have access to other partner cultural institutions in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. 
  • A total stipend of €12,000 will be granted by Het Nieuwe Instituut to cover living expenses and in addition to the stipend, Het Nieuwe Instituut will cover the round-trip airfare from any country within the Caribbean to The Netherlands.
  • Accommodation will be provided for a period of six months for a maximum of €800 per month.

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The AiR@SLU is part of the Mistra Environmental Communication research program (more info below), and offers an artist the opportunity to investigate and explore environment and sustainability in collaboration with the research program and community.

They will chose one artist-in-residence (AiR). The AiR@SLU is performed on location in Uppsala from the 1st of September until the 31st of October 2022.

Application deadline: 31 May 2022.


  • dialogical exchange with Mistra Environmental Communication associates,
  • direct and ongoing contact with and support from a local SLU-host,
  • organisational support from the organising team to showcase their produced work twice,
  • immersion in the Mistra Environmental Communication research and community,
  • desk space, and access to library and IT network facilities at SLU,
  • a 44 000 SEK grant of which;
  • 36 000 SEK are earmarked to cover accommodation and living costs in Uppsala for 2 months,
  • 4 000 SEK are earmarked to cover material costs,
  • 4 000 SEK are earmarked to cover travel costs.

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steirischer herbst is an annual festival for contemporary art, situated in Graz and the province of Styria, Austria. Since 1968 the festival has been setting standards in contemporary art and curating, which it continues to do so to this day. The newly inaugurated Research Residency Fellowship seeks to make the festival’s archive resources accessible as part of its mission to place the history of steirischer herbst in dialogue with contemporary academic work. The fellowship supports and encourages innovative scholarly, creative, and interdisciplinary inquiries into the festival’s practices and history.

Thematic Angle:

Due to the festival’s extensive history and its interdisciplinary character, the archive provides insight into a wide range of topics. Research topics could therefore include:

• the cultural politics of postwar Austria

• art and politics in Austria and Eastern Europe from 1960s to today

• art in public space

• the politics of media and technology in art

• the history of contemporary curating in visual arts, performance, and theater

Application deadline: 31 May 2022.


  • Fellows receive a monthly stipend of € 1,500 as well as a monthly accommodation allowance of up to € 500 for the duration of their fellowship. 
  • Travel to and from Graz for the residency is covered as well. 
  • Fellows able to commute will receive a monthly commuting compensation instead of the accommodation allowance. 
  • The festival works collaboratively with a network of institutions in the city that the fellow is introduced to throughout their stay.

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The Lake Balaton Art Residency is the main programme of our Foundation, organised for the first time in 2018. Our aim is to provide a high quality professional environment and a relaxed and calm atmosphere for the artists to realise their ideas. Over the years, we have hosted close to fifty talented artists. Each year, an independent professional jury is challenged by a large number of applications, to select the winning ones.

The residency programme and the creative work of the artists are supported by an established, successful contemporary Art Mentor. The Art Mentor is a facilitator and supporter, helping artists realise their own potential and ideas – if the artist wishes to take up the opportunity.

Who can apply:

  • Contemporary artists
  • In 2022 The Lake Balaton Art Residency is focusing on the artistic cooperation among the Visegrad Group (the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia).

Application deadline: 10 June 2022.


  • Travel costs reimbursement up until a maximum of 300 Euros on a budget airline, second class cabin train or bus/coach ticket. The selected applicants will be contacted separately to assess their individual travel needs.
  • Accomodation for the duration of the art
  • Two hot meals a day (lunch, dinner) during the art residency
  • Full cost of materials (canvas, frame, paint) based on the application project submitted and accepted by the applicant. The selected applicants will be contacted separately to assess their individual material needs.
  • Activities and professional programmes (wine tasting, professional programmes, visit to Lake Balaton)

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