Impact'23, courtesy by Impact'23

A positive asymmetry. About the modern world in the midst of turmoils

On May 10th and 11th, the business and technological world hub beat in Poznań, Poland with over 600 speakers, 2 days, 8 stages, and 23 thematic sessions, Impact’23 featured top speakers such as Natalie Portman, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Adam Tooze, and Martin Sandbu.

Impact’23 is an economic and technological event in Central and Eastern Europe. It brings together top managers from major global companies, political decision-makers, regulators, distinguished scientists, world-class experts, and speakers. 

Impact'23, courtesy by Impact'23
Impact’23, courtesy by Impact’23

Social and economic growth platform. The ideas behind Impact’23

Impact’23 is not only a business and tech conference, it is a platform for exchanging ideas and insights. The event was inaugurated by Marek Woźniak, the Marshal of the Greater Poland Voivodeship expressing his joy about Poznań again becoming a place for debates on the future of the world and the condition of humanity. He highlighted the importance of engaging in conversations on the current world’s challenges.

Today, the world often focuses on trivial, second or third-rate matters that capture the attention of the media, while many important issues remain unnoticed.
– Marek Woźniak, the Marshal of the Greater Poland Voivodeship

Impact’23 had a great and gripping agenda that enabled individuals to take their business knowledge and skills to the next level. Some of the thematic tracks included Digital Future, Future Societies, Green Economy, Sustainable Fashion, Foodtech, Mental Health and Wellbeing, The Art of Leadership, and Art & Culture.

Impact'23, courtesy by Impact'23
Impact’23, courtesy by Impact’23

In addition to moderated discussions on 8 stages, the event included accompanying events such as the 25th edition of the “Lista 500 Rzeczpospolitej,” which is the Orły Awards for Polish business leaders, the Gala Money Awards, which recognize companies and individuals for their successes and commitment to innovation and social responsibility. Impact also hosted a startup competition organized by Incredibles Sebastian Kulczyk and LOTTO Impact RUN with Olympic athlete Dawid Tomala. The  participants could also enjoy music, on the agenda were Natalia Kukulska, Grzegorz Hyży, and Natalia Szroeder.

Impact'23, courtesy by Impact'23
Impact’23, courtesy by Impact’23

The organizers did not forget about Poland’s closest neighbor – Ukraine and their lasting too-long fight against Russia. A special exhibition titled “Ukraine – Everyday War” played a significant role in the Impact space, featuring photographs by Wojciech Grzędziński, a war photojournalist. The exhibition also showcased reportages by Paweł Reszka, a journalist and reporter who has been covering the events since February 2022. Although all the stages welcomed wonderful and interesting speakers, it’s definitely worth taking a closer look at the Art and Culture stage. 

Impact'23, courtesy by Impact'23
Impact’23, courtesy by Impact’23

Imp[act]Art’23 – we all create the future of artistic culture 

The stage curator of the Art and Culture scene was Magdalena Bodis, PR manager, fundraiser, and board member of the Association of Friends of the National Museum in Warsaw. The first-panel discussion was hosted by journalist Gabi Drzewiecka. Right after that, in the discussion titled “The Most Beautiful Play” took part Justyna Kopińska, Katarzyna Kolenda-Zalewska, along with writer, translator, columnist, and literature lecturer at Jagiellonian University, who also leads the Wisława Szymborska Foundation, Michał Rusinek.

ImpactArt is a space that was created in response to the belief that art not only feeds the senses, but is essential to the well-being of society, the economy, and political life.
– Curatorial text

The Art & Culture scene focused on various controversial and important topics. It drew attention to young artists in the art market, post-pandemic architecture, and how new places to work are being created, design, and digital art focusing on the place and role of art in the future and how culture adapts technologies (VR, NFT, metaverse). It also tackled the phenomenon of the Culture of Subscription, what is the potential of the Polish creative industry sector, and intellectual property rights, and their importance for financing in Creative Industries. In the years’ edition of ImpactArt, works by female artists centered around the phenomenon of exploitation were presented. 

Two works of art were exhibited – Monika Falkus’ painting and Alicja Biała’s installation. Monika Falkus is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice – where she studied Painting – and the University of Silesia – where she studied Art History. She collaborates with Galeria Szara. Her portfolio includes oil paintings, artistic installations, and video-based projects. Her work is focused on several themes including love, femininity, intimacy, and sexuality. She draws inspiration from traditions, fairy tales, and personal memories. She is also featured in the newest issue of Contemporary Lynx Magazine

photo by Monika Juskowiak
photo by Monika Juskowiak

Alicja Biała graduated from The Royal Drawing School and earned an MFA from The Royal College in London. Her research focuses on the destructive impact of humans on the environment. In her work, she uses highly acidic waste from mid-century mining and industrial production to corrode and etch large metal sculptures directly into sedimentation ponds. ImpactArt showcased the outcomes of these activities presenting 8 hanging installations. 

Impact'23, photo by Monika Juskowiak
Impact’23, photo by Monika Juskowiak

Additionally, a beautiful local accent was present in the Art and Culture space. Poznań Design Studio Supergirls Do Design founded by Agata Kierdrowicz and Marta Szostek created the set design of the Impact Link Zone. The studio was invited to design the relaxation and networking zone for guests in the MTP Targi Poznanskie space. As the studio stated on their Instagram

Based on the gradient (key visual of this year’s Impact conference), we designed the space of the zone so that attendees could meet at a shared gradient table, creating an organic topped with vibrant flowers. Soft, transparent fabrics printed in gradient make the boundaries of the zone and create intimate corners for private conversation”.
– Supergirls Do Design Studio

It was absolutely remarkable, take a look:

Impact’23 delivered an impressive array of speakers and thematic sessions. Gathering economic and technological matters in Central and Eastern Europe andbrought together influential figures encompassing top-level executives from global corporations, policymakers, regulators, and eminent scientists who give their voices to defining the modern world in the midst of economic, social, and cultural turmoils. 

The next Impact event is scheduled for May 15-16, 2024 – save the date! 

Contemporary Lynx was a partner of  the Art & Culture track at Impact’23. 

photo by Monika Juskowiak
photo by Monika Juskowiak

About The Author


She's a freelance Creative, Art Writer, and Project Manager with a keen interest in exploring the intersection of art, culture, and neuroscience. Holding a BA in Ethnolinguistics, an MA in Visual-mediation communication, and a degree from Wielkopolska School of Photography. She is the founder of Nebula, a neuroaesthetic-coated art and curatorial project.

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