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13th Edition of the New Image / New Look


March 18,2024 - April 10,2024

March 18 April 10

The UAP Faculty of Painting and Drawing invites to take part in the 13th Edition of the New Image / New Look Competition. The competition is addressed to students and graduates of Painting at state universities throughout Poland. The works of those qualified for the final will be presented at a collective exhibition, which will open on May, 10 at the Słodownia +1 Gallery in Stary Browar. The main prize is PLN 10,000.



  • Grand Prix – 10 000 PLN
  • mBank Award – Purchase of a painting for the ” m jak malarstwo / m as painting” collection in the amount of PLN 15,000
  • Award by Director of MOS Gorzów Wielkopolski – individual exhibition
  • aTAK Gallery award – PLN 5,000
  • Royal Talens prize – voucher for materials in the amount of PLN 2,000
  • Prizes in the form of art materials from Renesans for all finalists
  • Distinction by Contemporary Lynx
  • Distinction by Notes na 6 tygodni

The competition rules are available on the website