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Art Paris 2024

The leading spring event for modern and contemporary art

Grand Palais Éphémère
April 04,2024 - April 07,2024
Art Paris 2022, courtesy: Art Paris 2023

April 4 April 7

Art Paris is a regional and cosmopolitan art fair that focuses on discovery, while supporting the French art scene. After a successful anniversary edition in 2023, which closed with a record attendance (81,857 visitors), the 26th edition of Art Paris will bring together 135 modern and contemporary art galleries from 25 countriesfrom 4 to 7 April 2024, at the Grand Palais Éphémère. It will be the last art fair to be held there before the Paris Olympic Games and the reopening of the newly renovated Grand Palais.

Two themes led by two guest curators will be given pride of place in 2024.

Fragile Utopias. A Focus on the French Scene by Éric de Chassey

Éric de Chassey, director of the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA), teacher at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and exhibition curator, will share his perspective on the French scene with a selection of 20 artists chosen from among the exhibiting galleries on the theme Fragile Utopias. He will also be writing a presentation of each artist’s work.

As Éric de Chassey points out: “The sole function of the visual arts is not one of representation or decoration, they also provide models that can guide our perception, thoughts and actions, in other words they contribute to constructing possible utopias. These utopias may be embodied in any form and with every medium, however in these uncertain times marked by major changes in society and the way we understand the world, they are often of a temporary and precarious nature and as such they are ‘fragile’ utopias.The BNP Paribas Private Bank Prize. A Focus on the French Scene, a new award with a prize of 30,000 euros to support art in France.Ever since 2018, Art Paris has been showcasing and supporting the French scene by asking an exhibition curator to turn a subjective, historical, and critical eye on a selection of specific projects by French artists from among the participating galleries.

Keen to increase its support of the French art scene in 2024, Art Paris premium partner BNP Paribas Private Bank is joining forces with the fair to launch the BNP Paribas Private Bank Prize. A Focus on the French Scene with a prize of 30,000 euros. The winner, selected by a prestigious jury from among the artists chosen by Éric de Chassey for the Fragiles utopias focus, will be announced on Wednesday 3 April 2024.

Art & Craft by Nicolas Trembley

Art & Craft is the title of the theme placed in the capable hands of art critic and independent exhibition curator Nicolas Trembley. It takes its name from the pioneering Arts and Crafts movement that saw the light of day in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century. The theme will address the way in which modern and contemporary artists have taken – and continue to take – the world of crafts (ceramics, glass, tapestry etc) and make it their own, combining in so doing thought and gesture. Around twenty international artists will be chosen from among the exhibiting galleries to comprise a themed tour of the fair. Nicolas Trembley will write a text with a presentation of each artist’s work to accompany this tour.

To quote Nicolas Trembley: “Although it is true that the visual arts at the beginning of the 20th century incorporated practices more often associated with the applied arts, the emergence of a more conceptual form of contemporary art put an end to this historical way of doing things. Since the beginning of the 21st century and the development of a globalised art market that pushes minority practices and groups to the fore, we are witnessing the emergence of artworks whose techniques are traditionally related to artisanship. Furthermore, we are rediscovering works by historical and contemporary artists whose approach borrows from the world of craft.

Solo Show, in favour of monographic exhibitions

Art Paris encourages the presentation of monographic exhibitions spread throughout the fair. These solo shows allow visitors to discover or rediscover in depth the work of modern, contemporary, or emerging artists. The Solo Show sector is specifically highlighted in the fair’s communication and promotional materials.

Promises: Supporting Young Galleries and Emerging Artists

Promises, a sector focusing on young galleries created less than six years ago, provides a forward-looking analysis of international cutting-edge contemporary art. Participating galleries may present up to three emerging artists. The fair finances 45% of their exhibitor fees and this sector is specifically highlighted in the fair’s communication and promotional materials.

Art Paris, The First Sustainably Designed Art Fair

Art Paris was the first art fair in 2022 to develop a sustainable approach to its organisation based on a life cycle assessment (LCA)*. This pioneering approach made possible thanks to the help of Karbone Prod, will be renewed in 2024.

Paris: The Place To Be!

Paris is in the midst of an exceptional period of cultural and artistic renaissance illustrated by the opening of new galleries and venues, the renovation of existing cultural institutions and the inauguration of new ones. More than ever, the City of Light is asserting its role as “the place to be” for contemporary art. The activities on offer as part of the VIP programme, reserved for collectors and art professionals bear witness to the transformation of Paris’s art scene.

Making Contemporary Art Accessible to All

Art Paris is dedicated to making contemporary art accessible to the widest audience, offering some 125 guided tours of the fair as well as a number of specific tools, in particular its elaborate yet eminently practical website which presents a virtual visit of the fair and filters allowing visitors to search for works by artist, price, geographical provenance and technique…


art paris 2024
Place Joffre
Paris, 75007
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