Artists: Ewa Juszkiewicz, Alfredo Aceto, Julius von Bismarck, Julian Charrière, Nick Devereux, Alberto Di Fabio, Bruna Esposito, Claire Fontaine, Lucian Indrei, Ciprian Muresan, Mohamed Namou, Arcangelo Sassolino, Santiago Taccetti, Achraf Touloub.
curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto
Galerie Rolando Anselmi is pleased to present Greffes | Berlin, an exhibition concived and curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, featuring works by Alfredo Aceto, Julius von Bismarck, Julian Charrière, Nick Devereux, Alberto Di Fabio, Bruna Esposito, Claire Fontaine, Lucian Indrei, Ewa Juszkiewicz, Ciprian Mureşan, Mohamed Namou, Arcangelo Sassolino, Santiago Taccetti and Achraf Touloub. The collaboration among artists is an experience with often surprising results comparable to those produced in nature by an implant, an emblematic meeting point between science and experimentation, a fact and an imponderability. Greffes (Grafts) is the spokesman of this phenomenon, always alive even if little known. On this occasion, different authors for generation, culture and language, after the exhibition in Rome (Académie de France, Villa Medici, 2017), Cluj Napoca (Lateral Art Space, 2018) and Venice (Beatrice Burati Anderson Art Space, 2018), meet in Berlin as original, sometimes unexpected, witnesses of creative dialogue that, for a long time, puts them in tune. They thus give rise to Greffes, the result of their mutual esteem and professional and emotional brotherhood, in a game of intellectual and visual references that is the basis of today’s exhibition project. The works on show, borned from the collaboration among the various authors and conceived for the occasion, are the testimony of this.