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CultTech Summit

Meet the key players in culture & technology

MuseumsQuartier Vienna
November 05,2024 - November 06,2024

November 5 November 6

The CultTech Summit, which will take place in Vienna’s MuseumsQuartier on 5 and 6 November, is announcing its program and some of the top industry speakers. More than 500 participants will learn how technology-enabled culture is shaping the future of society and the creative and cultural industries.  

The aim of the organizers – the Vienna based CultTech Association which has already partnered with leading cultural institutions such as Ars Electronica and the Salzburg Festival,  – is to make culture a personal matter and set a global event to transform the vision of art, tech and business. 

The list of 40 speakers includes Gerfried Stocker, CEO of Ars Electronica, Hazel Savage, VP of Music Intelligence at SoundCloud, Christiane Stuetzle, Partner at Morrison Foerster, Oliver Holle, Founder of Speedinvest, Diane Drubay, Founder of We Are Museums, Stefan Lattner, Head of Music Research, Sony CLS Paris, Adriano Picinati di Torcello, Art & Finance coordinator, Deloitte, Sergiu Ardelean, Co-founder of Artivive, Lucia Ronchetti, Artistic Director of Biennale Musica, Matthias Hauser, General Manager
of Media Solution Center in Baden-Württemberg, Dmitry Gutov, Artist, Edgar Hemery, CEO of Embodme.

The program of the Summit addresses various questions and topics related to the development of culture by use of technology. It includes the arising challenges and business opportunities, especially the potential of AI in culture. 

To share the ideas of CultTech in the most comprehensive way, the organisers of the Summit will present an innovative cultural programme to experience the fusion of art and tech through contemporary performances and exhibitions. The full program of over 30 presentations, panel discussions, startup pitches, case studies, networking sessions, artist talks, debates and workshops is available at the Summit website, including:

  • In Monetizing Creativity: The Role of Finance in Arts & Culture Adriano Picinati di Torcello, who has been coordinating the Art & Finance activities within Deloitte Luxembourg since its inception in 2008, shares his vision of art and finance interaction reports, current trends and challenges. 
  • Nobel Prize winner Sir Kostya Novoselov and renowned artist Kate Daudy show how science brings ideas for art and vice versa, in From Graphene to Gallery: Exploring the Harmony Between Scientific Discovery and Artistic Creativity.
  • Creativity Reimagined: The Role of AI in Modern Society will be a discussion on arising opportunities and challenges at the Intersection of creatives, AI, and society.
  • Besides, CultTech Association and Ars Electronica present a joint Award for Social Impact Projects in Culture and Technology. It is the second edition of the Award — last year we received 278 applications (118 qualified) from 53 countries overall, and the prize went to a South African startup called Art Meets which connects visual arts ecosystems. 
  • As a part of the CultTech Summit cultural program Mahamaya Electronic Devices (scroll for the video in the Program section) is a performance that addresses all the main current issues of our lives: society, psychology, science, philosophy, and spirituality. This show, featuring electronic music and computer graphics, centers around a unique text by Ivan Vyrypaev, composed entirely of questions and answers, delivered at a fast pace by four actors, attempting to address them before the audience’s eyes. 

Summit attendees will have the opportunity to engage with experts who will answer questions and provide a glimpse into the future of art, business and technology. 

More info about the Summit and the testimonials of the industry leaders can be found at culttechsummit.com