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Zukunftsfieber - exhibition

Diana Lelonek

August 27,2021 - November 10,2021
Diana Lelonek, Post-electronic environment, from the series: Center For Living Things, colour photography, 2017 (c) Diana Lelonek (detail)

August 27, 2021 November 10, 2021

Associated with the environmental movement, Polish visual artist Diana Lelonek works at the intersection of art, activism and science, exploring the most current changes in the biosphere and the network of connections between humans and non-humans and their environment.

In the exhibition presented at the gallery of the Polish Institute in Düsseldorf, the artist encourages us to abandon the anthropocentric perspective and to look at inter-species relationships as an opportunity to build a common future.

More (PL / DE)

Photo: Diana Lelonek, Post-electronic environment, from the series: Center For Living Things, colour photography, 2017 (c) Diana Lelonek (detail)