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Let’s Accept What We Don’t Like

Ros Khavro

Galeria FOTO-GEN
April 19,2024 - June 09,2024

April 19 June 9

the diamond way distributes widely

a domesticated tiger or lion bites off this man’s head and it is a moment of great satisfaction for me
the sun at its zenith is beating down
every penny turns to love
what kind of reward is this that isn’t really a reward after all?
it’s no reward at all

Ilona Witkowska

The Ros Khavro exhibition is the second exhibition this year. We opened with the “Winter Showroom” by the kinoManual duo, filled with color, warmth, and music. The current presentation relates to its predecessor in its opposition. The cozy interior atmosphere has been replaced by cool colors and a restrained arrangement. It is a redirection from the previous experience of free movement about the gallery space to a directed focus on the photographic and sculptural objects presented there now.

Khavro is an artist who is physically fused with the techniques he uses. Hard physical labor with a chisel and with the chemical compounds of photography leave their mark not only on the materials he uses, but also on the artist’s hands themselves. The result is a clearly felt authenticity, consistency, and in-depth understanding of the medium. The moderation in the selection of works at the exhibition serves to emphasize their severity, and the opening poem by Ilona Witkowska perversely alludes to its title. The way in which Khavro’s works build his message by placing clear accents is direct and at the same time outlines a space full of understatements.

Paweł Bąkowski


Ros Khavro
Photo by Ros Khavro.

Ros Khavro was born in 1988 in Lviv. In the years 2010-2014 while living in Amsterdam, Khavro became interested in and deepened his knowledge of non-silver and historic photographic techniques. This initiated many years of practice and a wide range of experiments in this field, both technically and artistically. This process continues to this day and, over time is transferred to other art media.
In 2017, he graduated from the Social Academy of Sciences (SAN) in Warsaw specializing in Graphics.

The artist has been living and creating in Wrocław for the last 9 years, translating his vision into Drawing and Sculpture. By crossing and passing through multicultural planes and through social observations and his own experiences, the artist unwinds his genetic spiral from the center of which forms emerge. These are the same forms he encountered in childhood, an awareness of the here and now. In my own endless dialogue with matter, I use composition aesthetically, showing how rich reality is.

plac Nankiera 8
Wrocław, 50-140
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