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Portraiture as Social Commentary


Persons Projects
November 18,2023 - January 27,2024

November 18, 2023 January 27, 2024

Artists: Joakim Eskildsen | Katarzyna Kozyra | Paweł Książek | Zofia Kulik | Milja Laurila | Dominik Lejman | Jorma Puranen.

Persons Projects is delighted to present the latest group exhibition titled Portraiture as Social Commentary; this exhibition not only highlights the different aspects of the genre but also links together a variety of artistic perspectives. A portrait is a painting, a photograph, a sculpture, or any other representation of a person in which the face and its expressions are predominant. They reveal the presence of the subject viewed from the perspective of the artist – a merger of contrasts between what’s projected by one and perceived by another. These images become mirrors of many faces that reflect both the political and cultural undercurrents relevant to the time period in which they were conceived.


Lindenstrasse 34-35
Berlin, 10969
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