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The Baltic Meetings of Illustrators

18th edition

Ratusz Poznań
October 13,2023 - October 14,2023
Za zamknietymi drzwiami, wystawa

October 13, 2023 October 14, 2023

The Baltic Meetings of Illustrators was born 18 years ago!

These meetings arose from a fascination with the richness, diversity, and power of the art of illustration. Although the purpose of illustrations is to complement, explain, and decorate a text, their power is much greater since they seduce and captivate readers using concept, color, and texture.

Artists from around the world have participated in the seventeen previous Meetings at which invited guests have presented illustrations for fairy tales, myths, and the classics of world literature and have sometimes commented on the world around us through their works. Attendees have had opportunities to meet masters of illustration, including some of the greatest – Józef Wilkoń and Bohdan Butenko – and proudly witness Polish children’s book illustration blossoming yet again.

At the same time, thanks to the universal language of the art of illustration, the Meetings have become not only a place to view the most interesting work, they have become forums for the exchange of ideas for artists, researchers, publishers, and connoisseurs. Discussion have been held on various aspects of illustrators’ work – inspiration and the creative process, the publishing market, and the realities of working in Poland, Scandinavia, and the Baltic States.

The most important aspects of the event have always been the meetings, which have provided opportunities for artists from different worlds to get to know one another, and the workshops where illustrators – young and mature, amateurs and professionals –  have spent countless hours working together. 

This year’s event is a happening again. Multidimensional. Polish–Lithuanian meetings, meetings of various threads, motifs, and mysterious worlds.

We are delighted to welcome Stasys Eidrigevičius and his fascinating work to the 18th Baltic Meetings of Illustrators.

Renata Malcer-Dymarska, founder of the project

This is the 18th Baltic Meetings of Illustrators (BSI) – a project that not only presents the achievements of outstanding illustrators, but also allows us to explore the secrets of their work in theory at meetings and in practice during workshops. This event is also an opportunity for representatives of this industry to meet during the 2nd Ilustrator Visual Communication Festival, which is being held as part of BSI.

BSI has come of age in the same year in which Vilnius is celebrating the 700th anniversary of its founding. This coincidence prompted us to invite Stasys Eidrigevičius to BSI this year. An outstanding artist with Lithuanian roots, Stasys is one of the great masters, just as Józef Wilkoń and others, whom we have had the honor of hosting at the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre (NCK). Selected works by Stasys will be exhibited in the NCK gallery during the Three Stories exhibition, and the public will have several opportunities to meet with the master himself during the BSI.

In addition to Stasys, we will also have opportunities to meet with Sigutė Chlebinskaitė and Patricija Bliuj-Stodulska, the renowned illustrators from Lithuania, who have been invited to this year’s BSI.

Za zamknietymi drzwiami, wystawa
Behind closed doors, exhibition
Stasys Eidrigevičius illustration to book entitled “Už nevarstomų duru” (Behind Closed Doors) by Kazys Saja, 16,5 x12 cm
Stasys Eidrigevičius illustration to book entitled “Už nevarstomų duru” (Behind Closed Doors) by Kazys Saja, 16,5 x12 cm
Saja, 16,5 x12 cm
Stasys Eidrigevičius illustration to book entitled “Už nevarstomų duru” (Behind Closed Doors) by Kazys Saja, 16,5 x12 cm, 16,5 x12 cm


Ratusz Staromiejski / Old Town Hall


18.30-19.30 „Trzy Historie. Słowa i obrazy”, spotkanie ze Stasysem Eidrigevičiusem / Three Stories: Words and Pictures – a meeting with Stasys Eidrigevičius

19.30-21.00 wernisaż wystawy ilustracji Stasysa Eidrigevičiusa pt. „Trzy historie”

Wystawa czynna do 14.12.2023 / Opening of Three Stories – an exhibition of illustrations by Stasys Eidrigevičius. The exhibition is open until 14.12.2023.


10.00-12.00 „Stasysa minuta edukacji”, warsztaty z ilustratorem Stasysem Eidrigevičiusem (dla dorosłych) / A minute of education with Stasys – a worksop with the illustrator Stasys Eidrigevičius (for adults)

Bilety: 20 PLN, interticket.pl (od 22.09) / Tickets: 20 PLN, interticket.pl (from 22.09)

12.30-14.00 „Egle, Królowa Węży” warsztaty z ilustratorką Patricją Bliuj-Stodulską (dla dzieci) / Egle, The Queen of Serpents – workshop with the illustrator Patricija Bliuj-Stodulska (for children)

Bilety: 15 PLN, interticket.pl (od 22.09) / Tickets: 15 PLN, interticket.pl (from 22.09)

14.30-16.00 „Księga zmian. Sąsiedztwo” warsztaty z ilustratorką Sigutė Chlebinskaitė (dla dorosłych) /. The Book of Changes: The Neighborhood – workshop with the illustrator Sigutė Chlebinskaitė (for adults)

Bilety: 15 PLN, interticket.pl (od 22.09) / Tickets: 15 PLN, interticket.pl (from 22.09)


10.00-12.30 „Księga zmian. Sąsiedztwo” warsztaty z ilustratorką Sigutė Chlebinskaitė (dla dorosłych) / The Book of Changes: The Neighborhood – workshop with the illustrator Sigutė Chlebinskaitė (for adults)

Bilety: 15 PLN, interticket.pl (od 22.09) / Tickets: 15 PLN, interticket.pl (from 22.09)

13.30-15.00 „Stasys rysuje” – spotkanie ze Stasysem Eidrigevičiusem, podczas którego Mistrz będzie tworzył na żywo /. Stasys Draws – a meeting with Stasys Eidrigevičius during which the master will give a live demonstration of his art   

Wstęp wolny / Free entry

15.30-17.00 „Egle, Królowa Węży” warsztaty z ilustratorką Patricją Bliuj-Stodulską (dla dorosłych) / Egle, The Queen of Serpents – workshop with the illustrator Patricija Bliuj-Stodulska (for adults)

Bilety: 15 PLN, interticket.pl (od 22.09) / Tickets: 15 PLN, interticket.pl (from 22.09)

Centrum św. Jana / St. John’s Centre


II edycja Festiwalu Komunikacji Ilustrowanej Ilustrator pt. „Odkrywanie ilustracji na nowo” / Rediscovering Illustration – 2nd Ilustrator Visual Communication Festival

Bilety: www.ilustratorfestiwal.pl / Tickets available at www.ilustratorfestiwal.pl

Stary Rynek 25
Poznań, 61-772
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