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a collaborative exhibition

April 15,2023 - May 13,2023

April 15, 2023 May 13, 2023

We are thrilled to present KIN, a collaborative exhibition happening between 12 independent spaces in Berlin and Warsaw.

KIN: a relationship that does not come from the past, but points to the future. The independent/project space scenes of these two capital cities of neighboring countries have distinct roots and biographies, and their independent initiatives reflect this. But it is kinship that makes it possible to discover these subtle and surprising differences while also revealing their critical connections.

The exhibition in the Milchhof Pavillon features works by two artists per project space, a gesture that will be repeated in Warsaw in the fall. With this initiative we would like to emphasize the special role of independent/project spaces for experimentation and artistic development, and to strengthen these relations through international cooperation.

WARSAW>KIN<BERLIN includes six project spaces each from Berlin and Warsaw, and is curated by Katie Zazenski (Stroboskop, Warsaw) and Elisabeth Sonneck (super bien! Berlin).

Participating artists: Heather Allen | Hannah Becher | Jonas Brinker | Monika Gabriela Dorniak | Elena Alonso Fernández | Amélie Laurence Fortin | Bastian Gehbauer | Lise Harlev | Léann Herlihy | Gary Hurst | Łukasz Jastrubczak | Paula Jędrzejczak | Anna Maria Karczmarska | Ola Korbańska | Mikołaj Małek | Michał Matejko | Marta Matysiak | Małgorzata Mazur | Gizela Mickiewicz | Martyna Modzelewska | Joanna Ogińska | Sally Osborn | Alicja Paszkiel | Lena Pierga | Martyna Poznańska | Hannah Rath | Kateryna Rudenko | Tomasz Saciłowski | Marten Schech | Katie Zazenski/Shelley Odradek.

Participating spaces/projects: JIL | Die Möglichkeit einer Insel | Lele Art Space studios | die raum | obcy+CentrumCentrum | Kurt-Kurt | Przyszła Niedoszła | rosalux | STROBOSKOP | super bien! Berlin | Fundacja Ziemniaki i Zwitschermaschine
