
Lynx x New Image/ New Look 2024 Once again we are the media patron of the competition.

Contemporary Lynx and The UAP Faculty of Painting and Drawing invites to take part in the 13th Edition of the New Image / New Look Competition. The competition is addressed to students and graduates of Painting at state universities throughout Poland. The works of those qualified for the final will be presented at a collective exhibition, which will open on May, 10 at the Słodownia +1 Gallery in Stary Browar. The main prize is PLN 10,000.


✨Grand Prix – 10 000 PLN
✨mBank Award – Purchase of a painting for the ” m jak malarstwo / m as painting” collection in the amount of PLN 15,000
✨Award by Director of MOS Gorzów Wielkopolski – individual exhibition
✨aTAK Gallery award – PLN 5,000
✨Royal Talens prize – voucher for materials in the amount of PLN 2,000
✨Prizes in the form of art materials from Renesans for all finalists
✨Distinction by Contemporary Lynx
✨Distinction by Notes na 6 tygodni

The competition rules are available on the website

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