Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, performance documentation images by Antonio Castles

Portfolio: Gosia Lehmann Her practice involves critical research on technology and economics and its’ social impact.

Gosia Lehmann (b. 1992 PL) lives and works between Poland, Berlin and Amsterdam. She graduated from Central Saint Martins in London and University of Arts in Berlin. She works primarily with installation, video and performance. Her practice involves critical research on technology and economics and its’ social impact.

Gosia Lehmann, photo by Emma Backlund
Gosia Lehmann, photo by Emma Backlund

She creates multi-disciplinary formats and collective experiments, in order to challenge patriarchal hierarchy and by-pass institutional gate-keepers. In 2019 she initiated and co-founded Lagoon Parliament – an artist alliance challenging the idea of hierarchy – providing an independent framework for art productions in context of Berlin’s ‘Freie Szene’. Since 2020 she runs Solaris in Berlin, which is an hybrid
between project space and artist studios.

Her works has been exhibited among others in following places in Berlin; Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Natural History Museum, Kunsthaus KuLe, Bärenzwinger, 2 OG Alte Münze and Akademie der Künste.

Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, photo credit: Valerian Blos
Gosia Lehmann, Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, photo credit: Valerian Blos
Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, photo credit: Valerian Blos
Gosia Lehmann, Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, photo credit: Valerian Blos
Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, performance documentation images by Antonio Castles
Gosia Lehmann, Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, performance documentation images by Antonio Castles
Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, performance documentation images by Antonio Castles
Gosia Lehmann, Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, performance documentation images by Antonio Castles
Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, performance documentation images by Antonio Castles
Gosia Lehmann, Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, performance documentation images by Antonio Castles
Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, performance documentation images by Antonio Castles
Gosia Lehmann, Portal to the Other Realms, 2021, Bärenzwinger, Berlin, performance documentation images by Antonio Castles

Portal to the Other Realms (2021)
30 min. performance, projection, sculptures, audio

‘Portal to the Other Realms’ is a multimedia performance, where the audience can decide about the narratives they’re going to hear. They do so by choosing one of the five artefacts. The artefacts were replicas of divination or financial objects found in archives or museums.

Each of the artefact activates different plot displayed on the portal and narrated by the ‘Angels-of-Sweet-Deals’. During one session only part of the artefacts could be explained.

The Portal is a tool to travel in time and see the fabrication of ‘value’ from different perspectives- either through the history of the ultramarine pigment or by watching a livestream of an hamster trading crypto-currency.

The Portal is guarded and operated by two ‘Angels-of-Sweet-Deals’. They are going to tell you stories from world of economic-shamanism*, based on choices and transactions you’ll make. But be aware: a choice can’t be undone and a story can never be told twice.

Portal to the Other Realms (artefacts), 2021, +eins exhibition, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Gosia Lehmann, Portal to the Other Realms (artefacts), 2021, +eins exhibition, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Portal to the Other Realms (artefacts), 2021, +eins exhibition, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Gosia Lehmann, Portal to the Other Realms (artefacts), 2021, +eins exhibition, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Portal to the Other Realms (artefacts), 2021, +eins exhibition, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Gosia Lehmann, Portal to the Other Realms (artefacts), 2021, +eins exhibition, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann

Divine Interventions Force Majeure, 2020, exhibition view, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Gosia Lehmann, Divine Interventions <–> Force Majeure, 2020, exhibition view, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Divine Interventions Force Majeure, 2020, exhibition view, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Gosia Lehmann, Divine Interventions <–> Force Majeure, 2020, exhibition view, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Divine Interventions Force Majeure, 2020, exhibition view, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Gosia Lehmann, Divine Interventions <–> Force Majeure, 2020, exhibition view, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Divine Interventions Force Majeure, 2020, exhibition view, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann
Gosia Lehmann, Divine Interventions <–> Force Majeure, 2020, exhibition view, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin, images: Gosia Lehmann

Divine Interventions <–> Force Majeure (2020)
Installation, Mixed Media

The coin which never stops to spin
Portal to the other realm
Geometry of prediction
Meaningless chart-graphs
Abandoned Office

‘Divine Interventions <–> Force Majeure’ is an ongoing series of works exploring the idea of economic shamanism and how the business of future forecasting evolved from esoteric and ritualistic believes into a corporate industry.

Falling Upwards with Lagoon Parliament, 2019, documentation images, 2OG Alte Münze, Berlin, photo credit: Andy King
Gosia Lehmann, Falling Upwards with Lagoon Parliament, 2019, documentation images, 2OG Alte Münze, Berlin, photo credit: Andy King
Falling Upwards with Lagoon Parliament, 2019, documentation images, 2OG Alte Münze, Berlin, photo credit: Andy King
Gosia Lehmann, Falling Upwards with Lagoon Parliament, 2019, documentation images, 2OG Alte Münze, Berlin, photo credit: Andy King
Falling Upwards with Lagoon Parliament, 2019, documentation images, 2OG Alte Münze, Berlin, photo credit: Andy King
Gosia Lehmann, Falling Upwards with Lagoon Parliament, 2019, documentation images, 2OG Alte Münze, Berlin, photo credit: Andy King

Falling Upwards (2019) with Lagoon Parliament
Installation, performances

Falling Upwards was a series of performances and an exhibition dedicated to wrestling and how the staged violence—in and outside of the ring—can influence the crowd.

The DIY-style wrestling ring was used as a stage hosting range of performances. The ring ropes were made out of seat belts and included heat-pressed, onomatopoeic words taken from a comic book library of sound effects, which are meant to help the reader imagine the sounds of violence or suffering. How far
is the spectacle allowed to go to achieve a full suspension of disbelief?

The dramatic ‘tv-show’ set-up (consisting of microphone on the stand, two live cameras and lcd screens) was a stage for guest performances as well as space open to public.

Oracle Bone, 2020, mixed-media collage
Gosia Lehmann, Oracle Bone, 2020, mixed-media collage
Rai Stones, 2020, plaster, archival images collage
Gosia Lehmann, Rai Stones, 2020, plaster, archival images collage

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