Małgorzata Mycek, Sweet Home, photo by Bartosz Górka

Portfolio: Małgorzata Mycek Artistic person involved in painting and performance.

Małgorzata Mycek, photo: Karolina Jackowska

Małgorzata Mycek (b. Sanok in 1993) is a non-binary visual artist working mostly in painting and performance. 

In 2020, they defended their master’s degree at the Faculty of Painting and Drawing at the University of Arts in Poznań. Nominated for the Kmag magazine art prize in 2022, distinguished in the international art prize – the Allegro Prize 2021, awared in the 40th Edition of the Maria Dokowicz competition for the best thesis. They are finalist in the 19th Edition of the Artistic Journey of Hestia competition. Co-founder of Bomba Publishing – an initiative awarded in the national Young Wolves competition between 2019 and 2022.

They grew up in a small village in the Bieszczady Mountains. In their artistic works, they explore the theme of the periphery romanticised in mainstream discourse and  and deal with the overlooked aspects associated with village life, such as deep-rooted sexism. In addition, Mycek’s projects resonate with interest in vernacular culture, the queer culture, and an activist engagement with current socio-political issues. Currently, live in Poznań.

Małgorzata Mycek, Abortion is a Self Care.
Małgorzata Mycek, Abortion is a Self Care.
Małgorzata Mycek, No more sins to remember
Małgorzata Mycek, No more sins to remember
Małgorzata Mycek, My body my choice
Małgorzata Mycek, My body my choice
Małgorzata Mycek, The Study of a sSrewed-up Old Man
Małgorzata Mycek, The Study of a sSrewed-up Old Man
Małgorzata Mycek, Shrine
Małgorzata Mycek, Shrine
Małgorzata Mycek, Sweet Home, photo by Bartosz Górka
Małgorzata Mycek, Sweet Home, photo by Bartosz Górka
Małgorzata Mycek, Farmer's Daughter
Małgorzata Mycek, Farmer’s Daughter
Małgorzata Mycek, Shut the fuck up
Małgorzata Mycek, Shut the fuck up
Małgorzata Mycek, Pass the Brick
Małgorzata Mycek, Fervent Prayers
Małgorzata Mycek, Self-portrait with Penis
Małgorzata Mycek, Self-portrait with Penis
Małgorzata Mycek, Farmer’s Daughter, zine

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