Monika Czyżyk Mycelium Orgasm Report.

Portfolio: Monika Czyżyk Visual artist based in Helsinki/Finland

Monika Czyżyk is a visual artist based in Helsinki/Finland. She received her MFA in painting from the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków/Poland in 2014, and a BFA/MFA in time and space arts from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in 2017. She works primarily with moving images in the context of experimental documentaries and socially engaged projects. She is currently researching the topic of» reimagined gardening« and collecting locally sourced clay for DIY kiln firings. Her work has been shown in exhibitions, including Hippolyte Gallery (2022), Helsinki; Bilsart (2022), Istanbul/Turkey; Myymälä2 Gallery (2020), Helsinki; Stroboskop Art Space (2020), Warsaw/Poland; C5 Art Space (2019), Beijing/China and the African Artist Foundation (2018), Lagos/Nigeria. Her videos have been screened at the Ann Arbor Film Festival (2021), Michigan/USA; the Zachęta National Gallery (2019), Warsaw; the New Media Society (2019), Tehran/Iran; the WRO Biennale (2017), Wrocław/Poland and at UnionDocs (2017), New York/USA. She is a grant recipient of the Arts Promotion Center (2022) and the Kone Foundation (2020). She was a resident at Akademie Schloss Solitude (2022-2023), the Amant Foundation (2021), Siena/Italy, and the Institute for Provocation (2019), Beijing.

Monika Czyżyk

Monika Czyżyk, Memory Substance
Gauntlet 1, 2021, bronze, leather, VideoGirl Barbie doll, 36 x 11 x 0,5 cm Memory Substance Juicing Barbie DNA with Ancestral Purification in Accelerating Decelerating Macabre, Hippolyte gallery, Helsinki, Finland 2022
Monika Czyżyk Mycelium Orgasm Report.
Gabriel de la Cruz, Czyżyk Monika, Neil Luck, Mycelium Orgasm Report, VR, 16 min, 2023
Monika Czyżyk Mycelium Orgasm Report.
Gabriel de la Cruz, Czyżyk Monika, Neil Luck, Mycelium Orgasm Report, VR, 16 min, 2023
Monika Czyżyk Mycelium Orgasm Report.
Monika Czyżyk Mycelium Orgasm Report.
Monika Czyżyk Mycelium Orgasm Report.
Dylan Ray Arnold and Monika Czyżyk, Red Clay from Świętokrzyskie mountains and wheat glue, 220 x 175 cm, 2022
Dylan Ray Arnold and Monika Czyżyk, Red Clay from Świętokrzyskie mountains and wheat glue, 220 x 175 cm, 2022
Monika Czyżyk, Bodyssey. Immersive Sublimation
Monika Czyżyk, Bodyssey. Immersive Sublimation
BAMBOOCENE (I want to build a rocket), 2021, 4K UHD video, 78 min color, stereo sound.
BAMBOOCENE (I want to build a rocket), 2021, 4K UHD video, 78 min color, stereo sound.
BAMBOOCENE (I want to build a rocket), 2021.
BAMBOOCENE (I want to build a rocket), 2021.
BAMBOOCENE (I want to build a rocket), 2021.
Installation view Bamboocene: Memories of Synchronicity, 2020, Myymälä 2 gallery, Helsinki image by Laura Mainiemi.
Installation view Bamboocene: Memories of Synchronicity, 2020, Myymälä 2 gallery, Helsinki image by Laura Mainiemi.
Monika Czyżyk, Memory Substance
Monika Czyżyk, Memory Substance.

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