Jay Miriam, Painting of a Green Cat
Contemporary Lynx invites curators, collectors, museums directors, gallery owners, and people from the “art world” to share with us the most interesting, important or intriguing artworks by Polish artists. Each of our guests selects one piece of art and presents it in the form of a postcard. This bite-size selection chosen by experts aims to show the vibrancy and quality of contemporary Polish art.
Jay Miriam, a Polish-American, was born in New York City. She creates large scale, expressionistic paintings, often depicting women and their happenings. The paintings are thickly and thinly layered, with large body parts and figures in exaggerated positions. Jay Miriam was most recently in a group show of young painters at the Ornis A. Gallery in Amsterdam.
Gryphon Rue is a singer-songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist. He uses the recording studio as an instrument to create work in a broad range of styles. He initially studied as a sleight-of-hand artist. Recently he completed an album, Guilt Vacation, under the moniker El Tryptophan.