Camille Henrot

review EAT, Aisha Devi, Photo by Charles De Faivre courtesy of E.A.T.

Engadin Art Talks 2023 HOFFNUNG? HOFFNUNG!

Alicja Stąpór Feb 07, 2023
review top art fairs 2019

Our Guide To The Art Fairs Taking Place Around The World 2019

Contemporary Lynx Team Jan 28, 2019
review Athi-Patra Ruga, Night of the Long Knives I, 2013. Courtesy Athi-Patra Ruga and WHATIFTHEWORLD, Courtesy 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair

Highlights Of Frieze Week London 2018

Marek Wołyński Oct 01, 2018
message new media works - exhibition

Washington: Joanna Malinowska

Contemporary Lynx Team Nov 20, 2017
‘Carte blanche’ to Camille Henrot

Paris: Maria Laboda

Contemporary Lynx Team Oct 18, 2017
Paulina Olowska, Alphabet, 2005. Three of 26 coloured cards (for each letter of the alphabet). © Courtesy Galerie Buchholz, Berlin/Cologne/New York, Paulina Olowska

Hamburg: Paulina Ołowska

Contemporary Lynx Team Jul 22, 2017
review Installationsansicht von "There’s a word I’m trying to remember, for a feeling I’m about to have (a distracted path toward extinction)", 2016; Courtesy Korakrit Arunanondchai/Alex Gvojic; C L E A R I N G, New York/Brussels; Carlos/Ishikawa, London; Foto: Timo Ohler

The 9th Berlin Biennale For Contemporary Art Review

Contemporary Lynx Team Jul 24, 2016