Call it Spring but, something is in the air. We can’t wait for a new opportunity! Don’t wait for it! You can create it and plan your career now. See the list of art residency programmes for artists and curators that can change your career.
>> NORA 2021 (FRANCE)
The call is aimed at artists, researchers and culture professionals from Near and Middle East and from Africa, who have recently received a refugee status in France; following countries will be examined in priority: Syria, Iraq, Libya, South Soudan, Eritrea and Yemen.
Application deadline: 13 March 2021.
- 1000€ per month
- The refunding of their travel fees
© Pina Bausch Foundation; Photographer Walter Vogel
The ongoing restrictions on face-to-face meetings and international travel pose challenges for the Pina Bausch Fellowship, as it particularly focuses on international exchange and direct contact between grant holders and their cooperation partners. Therefore, the Kunststiftung NRW and the Pina Bausch Foundation have decided to announce a digital fellowship for 2021.
Interested applicants can apply with virtual cooperation formats from 15th of February until 15th of March 2021. Applications based on physical encounters cannot be considered this year.
Application deadline: 15 March 2021.
- Cooperations with renowned institutions of dance and choreography education
- Unpaid cooperations with ensembles or choreographers
- Virtual studies of dance techniques with renowned personalities
Curatorial Programme participants 2020/2021. Photo by Andres Lora Bastidas.
De Appel’s Curatorial Programme (CP) is a life-changing opportunity for motivated individuals who seek experience in making art public, beyond what academic degrees can offer. This intensive 10-month period of residency in Amsterdam involves full immersion in the local scene with de Appel as an institutional base. Following a rich curriculum intended to provide direct insight into the work of artists as well as the building of institutions and communities, up to six participants will collectively determine de Appel’s public offering in the fall of 2022.
The 2022 CP will unfold through a series of workshops, sessions, meetings, and studio visits, which are punctuated by intensive site visits and research trips.
Application deadline: 15 March 2021.
The La Box gallery is one of ENSA’s principal teaching tools. Every year it features artists from France and abroad in ten exhibitions relating to the study programme.For more than ten years now the gallery has entrusted part of its planning to young guest curators. Chosen and monitored by the ENSA teaching team, the curators work on experimental programmes involving the active participation of the students, who thus find themselves in close contact with major figures on the contemporary scene and with the realities of drawing up an exhibition project
Shortlist of 4 applications: April 2021
Applicants interviewed by the selection committee: May 2020
Initial proposal of a schedule for January/April 2022: June 2021
Application deadline: 31 March 2021.
The Nomadic Island project is an artist residency project that goes beyond a usual creative residency since it merges with the experience of living in an international community that takes place at the same time. It is an experimentation platform involving an heterogeneous group of artists on one side, and an equally heterogeneous group of local residents on the other side. During a lapse of time of three weeks, the international community-based settlement is intended to create a space to let synergies arise around the theme of alternative ways of living and working.
The project therefore requires active participation both for the art works and for the maintenance of a good organisation within the community where each one will ensure its own contribution to logistics under sociocratic governance.
Application deadline: 15 April 2021.
- A remuneration of 2.000,- euro per artistic contribution
- Travel expenses to the Nomadic Island location will be refunded up to 200,- euro upon proof of payment
- All meals will be provided by the organisation during the whole month of residence.
Tallinn Art Hall, Tirana Art Lab Center for Contemporary Art, and the Hertz-Lab of the ZKM I Center for Art and Media are jointly calling for European art practitioners / theoreticians to apply for one of three production residencies taking place in Karlsruhe, Tallinn, and Tirana.
These residencies are within the framework of the long-term project Beyond Matter, and will be hosted by three of the partner institutions: Hertz-Lab of the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Tallinn Art Hall and Tirana Art Lab Center for Contemporary Art. On site, the residency fellows will develop an artistic production or theoretical concept that takes as its starting point the core questions of the Beyond Matter project. How can virtual reality tools and digitization contribute to developing artistic practices that question materiality and offer possible ways to shift the discourse into other dimensions like experience, visualization, imagination, sensory perception, atmosphere, or spirituality? How can artistic practices using virtual reality contribute to current political and social discourses? What is the potential of virtual reality within the art field? And how can virtual reality serve as a media basis for overcoming physicality and temporality in order to create something new based on today’s possibilities? What can VR stand for? Virtual Reality, Variable Relations, Vertical Radiation, Valid Readings, Vaporous Restoration, Visible Revision?
The future applications must be conceived as versatile as their fields of application are constituted. That is why the search is not for one answer, but for many solutions.
For all three locations the dates are: September 1 – October 31, 2021 and May 1 – June 30, 2022.
Application deadline: 30 April 2021.
Each residency is fully funded and includes travel, accommodation, a stipend, and production costs.
- Hertz-Lab of the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe: Workshops (wood, metal, electrical), dark projection room, set-up areas for larger installations, green screen studio, sound studio with multichannel audio projection, and a volumetric capturing system available by appointment.
- Tallinn Art Hall: Opportunity to hold workshops, sessions, and/or seminars related to the overall themes of the project and in particular on the challenges with the latest XR applications, networking opportunities, research support, support for regional travel, space for workshops and seminars.
- Tirana Art Lab – Center for Contemporary Art: Research and production of artworks engaging with the overall themes of the project and involving public space/interventions in public space relating to the city of Tirana using Extended Reality technologies.
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