
8 art residencies you need to apply August and September 2022

As the summer months turn into autumn, we have compiled a list of forthcoming residencies for you to apply for. Do not wait too long. Now is the time to plan for your future. Check out this list of artists residencies that can help you further develop your practice. 

MediaFutures: Artists for Media Residency programme (EU)

This residency aims at supporting standalone artists or artistic companies proposing an innovative artwork concept and production process. Artists will be supported in proposing new ideas and experiences that critically and materially explore data and technology to question its impact on individuals and society. 

Additionally, the artist should work with datasets of their choice to create an artwork offering a solution to the challenge presented by the theme of online misinformation and disinformation in different domains. The residency will last for a period of 6 months. 

MediaFutures wishes to promote collaboration between artists, technologists, data scientists and entrepreneurs. 

Other open calls are available, including the Startup Meets Artist programme, where teams of startups and artists collaboratively develop new concepts.

Application deadline: 30th August, 2022


  • A grant of up to €25,000 and six months of support to create the proposed work.
  • An additional €5,000 prize is also available. 
  • Technical, legal and ethical support, as well as data and computational resources, training and mentorship.

More information:

Künstlerdorf Schöppingen Foundation (Germany)

The Künstlerdorf Schöppingen Foundation in north-west Germany is accepting applications from artists, authors and composers. It aims to facilitate encounters between different life experiences, production knowledge and professional disciplines. The Künstlerdorf Schöppingen Foundation places particular emphasis on the progressive potential of the arts and the testing of new methods and structures.

The period of a residency is between two and six months and can be selected according to availability and agreement. 

You will reside and work at Künstlerdorf during the period of the residency. Workshops in the Künstlerdorf will be available for use during the residency. There is no obligation to present work but there is the possibility of exhibition opportunities. Engagement is encouraged in the form of lectures, readings, workshops, etc.

Application deadline: 31 August, 2022


  • All grants amount to 1,500 euros per month, minus around 100 to 200 euros in rental and operating costs. Travel, insurance, or material costs are not covered.

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Gastatelier Gleis70 Open Call for Artists/Designers (Switzerland)

The Cooperative Gleis7, together with the Cultural Department of the State of Zurich and Pro Helvetia, are looking for an artist or designer currently living in Europe to take part in a three-month paid residency. They are looking for artists/designers who graduated at least three years ago and have been working in an artistic field since then. 

The Gleis 70 guest studio is located in Zurich Altstetten in a former factory building in an industrial area. Artists, musicians, designers, inventors, composers, writers, graphic artists, craftsmen, filmmakers and many more work in the building of the Gleis 70 cooperative. It is located directly on the tracks of the Zurich-Bern/Basel railroad line and is easily accessible by public transport.

Application deadline: 31 August, 2022


  • Residents will be living in the guest studio, which includes a living room with a sleeping and kitchen area, a bathroom and a working space (50m2 all together). 
  • The artists/designers receive a monthly allowance of CHF 1500 as well as travel expenses from their home to Zurich and back.
  • A one-time payment of CHF 1000 towards the project costs.
  • The artist/designer will be responsible for organising two open studios. 

More information:

Cavendish Arts Science Fellowship at Girton College (UK)

Cavendish Arts is offering a unique collaborative opportunity open to artists internationally. Artists working across any medium are invited to apply, including visual arts, performance, theatre, film, writing, dance, music, and sound; architecture, spatial and social practices; technology and digital; and those with experimental practices.

They are particularly looking for adventurous artists who challenge traditional ways of knowing, engage with communities, and enjoy collectively imagining new possibilities. Artists with no previous experience working with scientists or in a scientific environment are particularly encouraged to apply.

The residency, hosted by Girton College and the Cavendish Laboratory, will begin in October 2022 and will last at least six months and up to a maximum of one year in Cambridge.

The artist will create work during the residency, developing ideas through ongoing engagement with physicists and other researchers for the duration of the fellowship.

Application deadline: 4 September, 2022


  • A stipend of £10,000 GBP will be paid to the successful candidate. 
  • All accommodation and meals will be provided by Girton College during the residency in Cambridge. 
  • A budget of £10,000 GBP will be made available to support the development of new work. 
  • Travel to and from Cambridge for the residency will be paid for up to £3,000 GBP.

More information: 

SODAS 2123 Residency Programme (Lithuania)

The cultural complex SODAS 2123 is looking for sound artists from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to take part in a two-month residency programme in Vilnius.

Sodas 2123 is seeking artists who use field recordings, autotuned, sung or spoken words, mixed sounds, installations or other sonic interpretations to react to the latest (geo)political, ecological and social issues. They are interested in works that construct visions of social, cultural, or spatial futures.

Participants will be provided with curatorial support, exhibition spaces as the residency aims to build long-term relations between visiting artists and the local art scene.  

SODAS 2123 cultural complex is a self-governing, community-based space, operated and curated by the Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association. It brings together creators and researchers from different fields, with practices based on experimentation and developing unexpected formats.

Application deadline: 10 September, 2022


  • Residents will be living in the studio apartments at SODAS 2123. The complex is located in a repurposed school building about 15 minutes’ walk from Vilnius Old Town.
  • The residency grant is 1600 EUR per artist (tax inclusive).

More information:

Thoughtworks Arts Wants To Send You To Mars (USA)

Thoughtworks offers an onsite residency at, an off-grid residential community in the desert area of Bombay Beach, California. The mandatory dates of the program run from 1 January to 31 March 2023. Artists are invited to apply to develop a project on only one of two themes:

Theme 1. Speculative Futures – Do It There, Take It Back To The Neighbourhood: Mars has an ongoing and developing practice of self-sufficiency in a desert environment. You are invited to propose something the artist can create in the desert during 3 months that can help people in underserved neighbourhoods in inner cities or rural areas.

Theme 2. Alternative AI Creative Infrastructures – The Sky’s The Limit: Mars has a robust community of artists and technologists creating and collaborating over a dedicated Discord server. Listed on their website are a number of prompts to inspire your proposal.

Application deadline: 12 September, 2022. 


  • A stipend of $11,000 to cover all expenses, including transportation and living costs.
  • The two artists-in-residence will live in RV’s (recreational vehicles) in the desert full-time throughout the program.

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Enclave Land Art ‘Artistic Residency’ (Spain)

Enclave Land Art 2022 is looking for artists whose practice is engaged in dialogue between human beings and nature. The project is based in Vall de Gallinera, a small commune in the province of Alicante.

The 2022 edition invites artists to reflect on how the sun, ever-present in Vall de Gallinera, is influencing and shaping its surroundings, and how this impacts on nature, animals and humans. The sun and the shadows have a large impact on the landscape and vegetation of the area.

The residency lasts from the 7th until the 20th of November. Projects will be presented to the public on the 19th and 20th of November 2022.

Application deadline: 15 September, 2022


  • The organisers will cover the travel costs from/to the original country up to 200 euro.
  • Individual grants of 800 euro will be paid upon receiving an invoice from the artist.
  • A shared workspace and up to 300 euro for materials according to the characteristics of the proposal.
  • Accommodation in a shared house in individual rooms with shared bathrooms. 
  • Meals will be provided.
  • One assistant can be provided if required for the execution of a project.. 

More information:

Artistic Residency NO.2 (Germany)

ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and the Deutsches Museum Nuremberg is looking for international artists of any discipline who integrate AI into their artistic practice. 

The use of AI should serve to critically illuminate disruptive changes in a wide range of sociopolitical fields. Thematic complexes to be reflected upon by means of artistic future perspectives include work and everyday life, body and mind, urbanity and democracy, ecology and sustainability, and future technologies. References to the future should be clearly elaborated upon in the project idea. 

Particular focus will be given to artists’ submissions that experimentally test new possibilities of interaction between artwork and recipients through the use of techniques such as Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning.

The residency will take place between January 6 and February 24, 2023.

Application deadline: 30 September, 2022


  • The project will result in an AI-supported artwork to be created during the residency. The work will be displayed at ZKM | Karlsruhe and at the Deutsches Museum Nuremberg – the future museum. 
  • 5,000 euros is provided for a total duration of the residency of 2 months. All material costs for the realisation of the artistic project are paid by the scholarship holders from this amount.
  • Up to 1000 euros can be provided for travel expenses.
  • Accommodation will be provided by the scholarship provider.
  • Collectives may apply but the amount of the scholarship remains unaffected.

More information:

© ZKM | Centre for Art and Media, Photo: Jonas Zilius

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Past LYNX Collaborator

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