Our team is excited to travel to Berlin to take part in the 38th edition of transmediale festival.
The 38th edition of the festival will form an understanding of how algorithms place us in weird proximities and new intimacies with one another by way of their machine-driven actions. By attending to the affects of proximity and closeness, the festival will reach beyond constructing a dichotomy of the two terms to ask: how can the capacities of technologies foster relations better adapted to responding to the complexities of our individual and collective discontents?
At Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) and silent green Kulturquartier, transmediale 2025 will feature a weekend of extensive discourse, screening, and performance programme, with a series of workshops as a prologue to the festival.
Additionally, artists whose work materialises the destabilisation of proximity and closeness have been invited to occupy the public spaces of the festival venues. Installations by Hana Yoo, Felicity Hammond, and Hamishi Farah are on view at HKW as well as an interactive installation and cyberperformance purgatory EDIT by Ali Akbar Mehta at transmediale studio.
Cover photo: Transmediale2025, opening. ©Laura Fiorio