If you still don’t have plans for the upcoming holidays, check out these opportunities for summer adventure. Summertime is perfect not only for travelling, relaxing, and looking for inspirations but also considering some art competitions, open calls for creatives and residencies, which are soon to come. See our list that can change your career.
Allegro and the Contemporary Lynx Foundation are proud to announce the 3rd edition of Allegro Prize. Competition aims to support and promote art and discover new artists, with a total prize pool of PLN 80,000.
Allegro Prize is a kind of platform where art lovers, curators, collectors and gallery owners from all over the world can discover new talents recognised by a jury composed of big names in the art world. This year, the competition will be judged by Joanna Kamm (Director of Liste Art Fair Basel), Ksenia Malykh (Head of PinchukArtCentre Research Platform), Slavs and Tatars (a world-renowned art collective), Anja Rubik (Supermodel, philanthropist and Founder of sexed.pl), Dorian Batycka (art curator and writer) and the organisers, Dobromiła Błaszczyk & Sylwia Krasoń (art historians and chief editors of Contemporary Lynx Magazine), as well as Karolina Miszczak (owner of the Collections and Art category on Allegro).
Who can apply:
- Artists from any country, all ages representing all forms of visual arts.
- Students and graduates of art schools and colleges.
- Artists who haven’t graduated but have documented artistic pathway.
- No entry fee.
Application deadline: 27 September 2022.
- A shortlist of 30 finalists announced: 16 November 2022
- Voting for the Audience Award: from 16 November to 1 December 2022
- Winners announced: 6 December 2022
- 3 Main Awards: For each of the three winners: 25,000 gross PLN (75,000 gross PLN in total), an article written by the editors of Contemporary Lynx featured in the Contemporary Lynx Magazine 1(19)2023 or 2(20)2023, and on the Founder’s website. The organiser will also provide an annual subscription of the printed edition of the Contemporary Lynx Magazine delivered to a designated address.
- Audience Award: 5.000 gross PLN, interview in Contemporary Lynx Magazine Weekly Online with information about the publication in the newsletter; using social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest). The organiser will also provide an annual subscription of the printed edition of the Contemporary Lynx Magazine delivered to a designated address.
- Award for 10 laureates: 10 distinctions: publication of the winners’ works selected by the Organiser in the Contemporary Lynx Weekly Online and on the Founder’s website with information about the publication in the newsletter; using social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest). The organiser will also provide an annual subscription of the printed edition of the Contemporary Lynx Magazine delivered to a designated address.
- Bonus: Shortlisted artists will receive a copy of the current edition of Contemporary Lynx Magazine delivered to o a designated address.
Apply: https://contemporarylynx.co.uk/registration-form
More information: https://contemporarylynx.co.uk/allegro-prize
Kinomural is audio-visual art and the urban tissue combined. They create a gigantic open air gallery in a specific architectural context placed in the city of Wroclaw and transform side walls of buildings into enormous canvases for moving murals, ephemeral projections in various forms – from video art through sound performance and experimental films, to audiovisual installations. The works tackle various subject matters – some revolve around abstraction and focus on the form, other allude to poetry, social, philosophical, and existential issues.
The motto of the open call is a quote from Nick Cave’s song “Fireflies”.
„We are photons released from a dying star
We are fireflies a child has trapped in a jar”.
Who can apply:
- All artists regardless of their age or formation.
- Audiovisual artists from around the world.
- Each artist may enroll not more than two works.
Application deadline: 30 June 2022.
- Selection of works that will be presented in the form of large-scale projections on side walls of the buildings located in one of the districts of Wroclaw.
- Contest, to award the authors of three selected works.
- Awards for 3 works – 2000 PLN each.
Apply: opencall@kinomural.com
More information: http://www.kinomural.com/en/edition/2022/news
NAAS supports, through this program, fellows investigating dominant cultural and art practices and questioning hegemonic policies, by offering them a thought provoking space to explore the potential of their own collective practices and histories of self-organization within film culture across the Arabic-speaking region.
Priorities will be given to fellows interested in intersections between their own field or discipline and the different experiences in exhibition and circulation of independent film, network-building, peer-to-peer value exchange, distributed governance and radical organizational models.
Who can apply:
- The program is open to individuals of any research discipline looking into questions of governance, organizational models and value systems in the arts and culture, but also to practitioners who, by occupying multiple positions in cinema and cultural work, have gathered embodied knowledge in community building and self organization, and are interested in articulating them as new modes of thinking and doing.
- Findings resulting from this fellowship can center around working practices that address the contemporary realities and urgent challenges of the arts and cultural sector for example, or also trace histories of organization in the field of cinema across the region .
- Up to 10 individuals with a good command of either Arabic and English, or Arabic and French will be selected.
- The program is bilingual and conducted in Arabic and/ or English with the possibility of an assisted whisper translation where needed during group sessions.
- Phase 1 between July 15, 2022 and September 15, 2022 (online).
- Phase 2 between Oct. 2022 and March 2023; exact dates and location to be determined upon the conclusion of phase 1.
Application deadline: 5 June 2022.
- Access to NAAS Network community and tools
- Peer exchange through regular group meetings
- Exchange with a translocal community of mentors and guests
- Opportunity for cross-regional and cross-disciplinary cooperation
- Circulation of published work through Malaffat NAAS and partner organizations
- Fellows who decide to dedicate more time to the development of their research, can join Phase 2 of the program and extend their stay for another 3 months, with the possibility to enter into a close cooperation with a NAAS member.
- During this second phase of the program, fellows will be offered resources, a tailored mentorship for the realization of their research proposal…
- ..and a one-month writing residency at 1 of NAAS’s 23 member cinema spaces, chosen based on relevance to the fellow’s work .
- The residency will be supported by a travel stipend of 1500 EUR covering airfare and accommodation.
- Texts resulting from the research residency may feature in a collective publication by Esmat—Publishing List.
Apply: here
More information: https://www.naasnetwork.org/topic/news/open-call-research-fellowship
The Lake Balaton Art Residency is the main programme of our Foundation, organised for the first time in 2018. Our aim is to provide a high quality professional environment and a relaxed and calm atmosphere for the artists to realise their ideas. Over the years, we have hosted close to fifty talented artists. Each year, an independent professional jury is challenged by a large number of applications, to select the winning ones.
The residency programme and the creative work of the artists are supported by an established, successful contemporary Art Mentor. The Art Mentor is a facilitator and supporter, helping artists realise their own potential and ideas – if the artist wishes to take up the opportunity.
Who can apply:
- Contemporary artists.
- In 2022 The Lake Balaton Art Residency is focusing on the artistic cooperation among the Visegrad Group (the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia).
Application deadline: 10 June 2022.
- Travel costs reimbursement up until a maximum of 300 Euros on a budget airline, second class cabin train or bus/coach ticket. The selected applicants will be contacted separately to assess their individual travel needs.
- Accomodation for the duration of the art
- Two hot meals a day (lunch, dinner) during the art residency
- Full cost of materials (canvas, frame, paint) based on the application project submitted and accepted by the applicant. The selected applicants will be contacted separately to assess their individual material needs.
- Activities and professional programmes (wine tasting, professional programmes, visit to Lake Balaton)
More information: https://kortarsalkotomuhely.hu/en/art-residency/#jelentkezes
The theme for NTU-GDAP 2022 is Sustainable People, Inspiring Change. This competition seeks imaginative works that critically reflect on the impact of technological developments and scientific advancements on humanity and art as a way to engage conversations to galvanise change in the Anthropocene.
Who can apply:
- Accepted media:
2D, 3D, or 4D, AI and robotics in arts and culture, Animation, Bio-digital, Conceptual or poetic; Film and video; Installations, Interactive, Online, social media, and mixed media forms, Painting, photography, and wall-based work; Performative arts; Physical computing.
- The NTU-GDAP is open to any interdisciplinary team with science-art-technology expertise, 18 years of age or older, from any country. The Local Students category welcomes submissions by teams of students studying full-time or part-time in Singapore only.
- Teams may submit their works under, International Professionals and Local Students.
The International Professionals category welcomes interdisciplinary teams of artists, technologists, engineers, scientists, researchers and professionals from around the world.
- The Local Students category welcomes teams of students from Singapore, full-time or part-time, as of the submission deadline, 2359 hrs GMT+8 on 15 June 2022. A student studying any subject can qualify.
Application deadline: 15 June 2022.
- The best submissions will be invited to showcase at the exhibition in Singapore in December 2022, with logistics, insurance, installation costs, travel and accommodation covered.
- Shortlisted teams will also be able to further develop their projects towards the finals with financial support of up to S$2,000 and technical support (e.g. 3D printing of components) from partnering research labs and centres at NTU.
- International Professionals category:
Top Prize: S$25,000
Commendation: S$6,000
- Local Students category:
Top Prize: S$10,000
Commendation 1: S$3,000
Commendation 2: S$3,000
Commendation 3: S$3,000
More information: https://blogs.ntu.edu.sg/gdap/
Artists and creative professionals from Germany and abroad are invited to apply for a two-month residency at SCHIESSLHAUS AiR in Kollnburg. Nine grants/artists’ fees endowed with 1.200 EUR per month will be awarded. The residency periods:
- (A) May 7 – July 2, 2022
- (B) September 13 – November 5, 2022
- (C) July 9 – September 3, 2022
Application deadline:
B September 13 – November 11 (approx. 8 weeks)
Application deadline: 1 July 2022.
- The residency program takes place in the monument award-winning “Schießl-Haus” in Kollnburg. During the two-month residency at SCHIESSLHAUS AiR, the guest artists are provided with living, working and exhibition spaces. The artists form a residential community in which each artist has a private room. The guest artists are supervised by the artistic directors of SCHIESSLHAUS AIR. For everyday concerns there is a direct contact person on site.
- Monthly grant/artists’ fee of 1.200 EUR (incl. costs of materials)
- Reimbursement of travel expenses within Germany up to max. 120 EUR, within the EU up to max. 300 EUR, outside the EU up to max. 600 EUR
- Reimbursement of exhibition-related travel expenses (annual exhibition)
- If applicable, additional funds for costs of materials and transport (annual exhibition)
Applications are to be submitted by e-mail only (1 PDF, max. 10 MB) to mail@schiesslhaus-air.eu.
More information: https://www.schiesslhaus-air.eu/application-en
The Samira al-Khalil Prize is intended to reward, once a year, a woman whose practice and trajectory are in solidarity with the struggle to put an end to the infringement of fundamental rights and freedoms in the Arab and Mediterranean regions.
It will be awarded on International Women’s Rights Day, 8 March, in Paris, France.
Each year, the call for applications will highlight a specific practice in a diverse range of fields: arts, literature and defense of human rights (such as translation, painting, writing, activism, research, etc.).
Who can apply:
- Applications are open to any woman of at least 18 years of age.
Application deadline: 1 September 2022.
- The winner of the Samira al-Khalil Prize will receive the sum of 5,000 euros. She will be publicized as widely as possible within the framework of the association’s activities. The laureate will also benefit, if she wishes, from facilitated access to feminist networks and possible training courses implemented by them.
Apply: https://samira-alkhalil.org/apply-to-samira-al-khalil-prize/
More information: https://samira-alkhalil.org/prize/
ARTISTS at RISK (AR) is a non-profit network institution at the intersection of human rights and the arts. AR is dedicated to mapping the field of persecuted art practitioners, facilitating their safe passage from their countries of origin, hosting them at AR-Residencies and curating related projects, including the AR Pavilion.
Contact ukraine-applications@artistsatrisk.org if you have any questions or concerns.
Who can apply:
- All art practitioners from UKRAINE or with permanent residency there may apply here, including curators, critics, theorists, etc. for emergency temporary relocation and hosting.
Application deadline: Ongoing
Apply: here
More information: https://artistsatrisk.org/?lang=en
ARTISTS at RISK (AR) is a non-profit network institution at the intersection of human rights and the arts. AR is dedicated to mapping the field of persecuted art practitioners, facilitating their safe passage from their countries of origin, hosting them at AR-Residencies and curating related projects, including the AR Pavilion.
Who can apply:
- All ART PRACTITIONERS FROM AFGHANISTAN may apply here, including curators, critics, theorists, etc.
Application deadline: Ongoing
Apply: here
More information: https://artistsatrisk.org/?lang=en