"Artist - studio - legacy", panel discussion on historic artist studios, photo by Patrycja Głusiec.

Artist - studio - legacy: Discussion on historic artist studios

We would like to thank all the guest for their participation in the event. Photos from the event can be seen below.

On Wednesday, 13 December at 6 p.m. in the Library of the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 37), a panel discussion devoted to historic artist studios “Artist – studio – legacy” was held, organised by the Contemporary Lynx Foundation.

Moderated by Agnieszka Kasprzak (Office of the Capital Conservator of Monuments), the panel discussion was attended by Dr Anna Rudzka (Pracownia Wandy i Józefa Gosławskich) and Marta Zaborowska (art conservator). The starting point of the discussion was an analysis of works of art placed in public space which attract the attention of passers-by, directing it to the artist, his studio and his legacy. The interlocutors discussed the issues related to the preservation of artistic legacies in studios and cases where works are preserved outside of them, with an example referring to the work of Stefan Norblin and his Indian realisations. The issue of the preservation of artists’ studios and the need to promote awareness of these unique places also was an important aspect of the discussion.

The meeting was addressed to guardians of other historic studios, artists, and all Warsaw residents interested in learning more about the profiles of artists and the methods and places of their work.

The event took the form of an open discussion where the audience had the opportunity to ask questions of the guests.

Date: 13.12.2023 (Wednesday) at 18:00

Place: Library of the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Academy of Fine Arts, Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 37, Warsaw

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