London: Zabludowicz Collection, Balka, Dawicki

Zabludowicz Collection 176​ Prince of Wales Road, London

Opening of the group exhibition Partial Presence at Zabludwicz Collection,on Thursday 29 January in London. Among artists; Miroslaw Balka, Oskar Dawicki


Athens: Małgorzata Markiewicz

Romantso Cultural Centre 3–5 Anaxagora Street, Athens

Documenta 14: Opening with a special performance by Malgorzata Markiewicz (8:00pm)

Brussels: Goshka Macuga

WIELS, Contemporary Art Centre Av. Van Volxemlaan 354, Brussels

The Absent Museum – exhibition

Minneapolis: Wilhelm Sasnal

Walker Art Center 725 Vineland Place, Minneapolis

‘I am you, you are too’ - exhibition

Washington: Paweł Althamer

The Phillips Collection 1600 21st Street, NW, Washington

“The Warmth of Other Suns: Stories of Global Displacement" - major art exhibition addressing representations of the global refugee crisis set for June 2019

Pforzheim: Wiktor Dyndo

EMMA - Creative Centre Pforzheim Emma-Jaeger-Straße 20, Pforzheim

"Democracy" - exhibition

Dresden: Zuzanna Janin

Dresden Castle Taschenberg 2, Dresden

"Crossing Borders. Collecting for the Future" - exhibition