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Film Screening

Aleksandra Karpowicz

New Human Identity

March 09,2023 - March 09,2023

March 9, 2023 @ 8:00 pm 10:00 pm

Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself who you truly see?

Do you feel that your life is fulfilling and aligns with your values?

Are you making a meaningful impact on the world?

These were the questions that led Aleksandra Karpowicz on a journey of self-discovery. In January 2018, she found herself lost, struggling with confusion and a disconnect from her true identity. She knew she needed to embark on a journey to rediscover who she truly was.

She used her camera to document her journey, creating 7 videos that delved into various aspects of her identity, such as her relationship with her body, views on health, gender, politics, and the environment. Through these raw and personal videos, she aimed to create a new, authentic identity that was free from the constraints of social conditioning that had previously held her back.

And so, the New Human Identity was born. This new identity is a response to the fading of traditional cultural and social institutions and the limitations imposed by societal expectations. It invites us all to peel back the layers of external labels and embrace our authenticity.

By being true to ourselves, we can live a life filled with purpose, fulfil our potential, and make a positive impact on the world. Join Aleksandra Karpowicz on this journey and discover the full potential of whom you were meant to be.

We are excited to announce that after a successful run of 12 events in London last year, the New Human Identity video collection is coming to America!

RSVP is required as seating is limited.