“Here for Culture” is a movement that unites the public, government and cultural organisations in support of fantastic cinemas, theatres, music venues, museums, galleries and heritage across the United Kingdom.
Whether on the global stage or quietly in our own lives, culture inspires, uplifts, comforts and entertains us. Now, in these challenging times, it’s our turn to provide a lifeline and show our support. The government is #HereForCulture with an unprecedented £1.57 billion of funding coming through on top of the furlough scheme, bounce-back loans and emergency grants. The public has been #HereForCulture as organisations have innovated online and outdoors.
In our London-based arts organisation Contemporary Lynx during this uncertain year, we had to re-think our art programme (Online Magazine, Arts Events and Workshops). Due to the COVID-19, in 2020 we had to cancel all our events in London and workshops. However, thanks to the government’s #CultureRecoveryFund we can continue to share online with you some outstanding art projects, informations about the exhibitions and talented artists. This and upcoming year, we are going to share even more practical tips given by the art professionals form the art world and our journalists continue to visit artists in their studio. Enjoy culture with Contemporary Lynx in a covid-secure way.