EXPLORE Let us take you on a thrilling exploration of how contemporary art addresses mental health, touching on themes like loneliness, loss, pressure, fears, and trauma. Mental Health
& Wellbeing
GET STARTED On the windswept plains of an alien world bathed in twin suns, the Luminal Monolith stands as an enduring enigma. MYSTERY ANCIENT GET STARTED On the frozen surface of the remote ice world Vynara, vast lakes of liquid crystal, hide unkown mysteries in their endless, dark depths. WORLDS EXTREME

Issue 2 (8) 2017

Migration / Nomadism

Goshka Macuga ◦ Ewa Juszkiewicz ◦ Piotr Uklański ◦ IRWIN Group ◦ and more

Cover designed by hellowasia

At Contemporary Lynx, hitting the road to experience art and to witness it firsthand is part of our everyday life. We are constantly on the move because we want to be up-to-date with the latest topics from the art world; it makes sense to write about art only by experiencing it personally and directly. Nomadism for us is an inherent part of the creative process and an inevitable element of making a magazine on art happening on a local and global scale. With that in mind, the main topic of this issue — nomadism and migration — came about quite naturally.

Today, thinking about migration is automatically linked to thinking about the European migrant crisis, with refugees fleeing from their home countries to the Old Continent hoping for a better future. These issues are also represented in art and our Magazine. However, what we discuss on the pages are also other aspects of nomadism and migrations; how they alter the way reality is presented on the internet, how these phenomena transform the mental picture of reality; and how to grasp the changes in perceptions of experiencing time and space, which impact on ways of making, presenting, and exhibiting art.

Nomadism and migrations are also about the constant and unlimited flow of data, images and people in our closest surroundings, but also on a larger scale, with the aim of bringing together whole communities. This can be achieved by adjusting architecture and design to a nomadic lifestyle, or through assimilating people in need or those remaining on the margins of social interest. The mass movement of people is not headed in one direction anymore. These movements spread in an uncontrolled way in all possible directions.

Migration perceived as a change to the existing order was for us the basis for a new way of thinking about visual communications. In this issue, we would like to present you the brand new design of Contemporary Lynx Magazine.






ARTISTS / Close-up

18 Goshka Macuga. I Have Definitely Migrated More Times Intellectually Than Physically

26 Zorka Wollny. Renegotiating a Place in the World

32 The State as a Vessel. IRWIN about ‘NSK State in Time’

38 Ewa Juszkiewicz. For Your Eyes Only

42 Magda Buczek. Special Feature


54 Short-lived Memory

62 War on Detachment. Conflict Photography and Its Consumption in the 21st Century

66 On Non-travel, or the Gifts of the Eternal Present

74 Sonic Travels. SoundLab

78 A Few Reflections on. Jet-setting the Art(world)


83 Peckham. The Southeast London District

COLLECTING / Treasure Hunt

94 Exhibitions on the Move. Collections Without Borders

101 Piotr Uklański. Expert’s Pick

102 Simone Klein. Can We Bid Better Tomorrow?

106 Vivienne Chow. Shifting Markets


115 Hong Kong. Reporting from the Fragrant Harbour

TREND-SPOTTING / New Culture Codes

124 Art Residencies. The Greatest Adventures

134 Multiplication by Sharing

140 Alicja Kaczmarek. Centrala. A Day in the Life

144 Moving It! Design for a Nomadic Life

151 On Our Shelf

154 CALENDAR / Travel Tips


  • Griffin Art Space



  • Dobromiła Błaszczyk,
  • Anna Dziuba,
  • Harriet Halsey,
  • Michał Korta,
  • Monika Kozub,
  • Sylwia Krasoń,
  • Maggie Kuzan,
  • Maja Lorkowska,
  • Kamila Naglik,
  • Magdalena Niedużak,
  • Anna Prokop,
  • Marta Klara Sadowska,
  • Sylwia Serafinowicz,
  • Anna Tomczak,
  • Marek Wołyński,
  • Magdalena Anna Zięba,
  • Kuba Żary


  • Bolesław Chromry
  • Jakub Mozolewski
  • Ola Niepsuj
  • Magda Buczek

LYNX Team:

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