Cracow Art Week KRAKERS 2023, photo by Patryk Olczyk.

Lynx x KRAKERS We are proud media Partners of the Cracow Art Week KRAKERS

Contemporary Lynx is a proud media Partners of the Cracow Art Week KRAKERS. Festival returns on April 19-26th, 2024 to once again conquer the city’s art galleries, studios, as well as some unusual public and private spaces.

The theme of this year’s edition of KRAKERS is “Feel, feel, keep feeling”. It is a version of the famous Polish scout call, which is a kind of greeting or farewell. It is not an exclamatory phrase as in the original, but an encouragement to immerse in yourself, deepen your feelings and focus on your emotions. More and more attention is paid to both the psychological layer of works of art and the mental condition of the creators themselves. Artists go beyond the issues of art, and creativity becomes psychologized. Contemporary artists care about their well-being and emotional balance, use psychotherapy and are therefore more aware and confident of their goals. For the participants of the festival, concepts and values such as care, concern and mindfulness are also important. For example, the positive effects of art on recipients that are used in art therapy are visible.


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