Vienna Design Week 22, Kramar/Kollektiv Fischka, copyright: Vienna Design Week

Lynx x Vienna Design Week We are a proud media partner of Austria's most important multidisciplinary and curated design festival.

Contemporary Lynx is a proud media partner of Vienna Design Week – Austria’s most important multidisciplinary and curated design festival.

The Festival, beyond the preoccupation with the design of products, poses the question of what role the work of designers* plays in coexistence in the city and worldwide. Since 2007, VIENNA DESIGN WEEK has been a defining part of Vienna’s design landscape. Organized by an independent association, the festival comprises around 200 events and welcomes 40,000 visitors each year.

VIENNA DESIGN WEEK will take place from 22 September to 1 October 2023.

More info

Vienna Design Week 22, Kramar/Kollektiv Fischka, copyright: Vienna Design Week
Vienna Design Week 22, Gewolbe, Kramar/Kollektiv Fischka, copyright: Vienna Design Week

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