
Meet the winners The main prize went to Alicja Pakosz

Nowy Obraz / Nowe Spojrzenie is an annual Art Prize addressed to students and painting graduates from public universities and art institutes, organised by the University of the Arts Poznan. This year, its 10 th jubilee edition took place. The competition results were announced on the 21 st of May 2021. Contemporary Lynx as a media partner, had a pleasure to participate in the gala event and awarded Anna Grzymała among the 15 finalists. The discussion with the artist will be available soon to read in the Weekly Online Magazine.

The main prize went to Alicja Pakosz (Artistic Award of the University of Arts)

Other awards:

  • Anna Grzymała – Royal Talens Special Award
  • Aleksandra Kołwzan – Garczyńska – Renaissance Special Award
  • Martyna Pinkowska – Individual exhibition at the Municipal Galleries of UAP
  • Aleksandra Kołwzan – Garczyńska – Special Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Painting and Drawing – individual exhibition at the Gallery of the Faculty of Painting and Drawing Szewska 16
  • Anna Grzymała – Interview in Notes Na 6 Tygodni magazine
  • Julia Kowalska – Individual exhibition at the Gallery of the Faculty of Painting and Drawing UAP Szewska 16


Anna Grzymała – Royal Talens Special Award


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