For Artists

Kinomural 2024

Open call for artists from all around the world

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Courtesy of the Kinomural.
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Kinomural announces an OPEN CALL for artists from all around the world!

Once illuminated by Kinomural, can Wrocław become a science-fiction city? Fables for Robots – it’s the theme of the sixth edition of the event, as well as of this year’s OPEN CALL. Artists can join the program by submitting their works by May 7.

Imagine a city whose buildings come to life after dusk and become moving images. The walls are gigantic screens, as big as 300 sq m or sometimes more, and create a visually appealing artistic maze between buildings and alleyways…

Happening in September, Kinomural is one of the few events in Europe that showcases as broad a scope of new media artists, allowing spectators to see their works in a live situation, outside of the Internet space. 

Video relation 2023 [click here]

Kinomural is a new format for art 

You create film forms, video-art, animation, audiovisual installations? If you want to join the program of Kinomural, submit your project in response to our OPEN CALL. These works may be created for the purposes of the enrollment or be pre-existing creations from your portfolio. 

Each year our OPEN CALLS meet with ever greater interest of artists from all around the world, which makes us very happy, as it always confirms it’s worth announcing a new exploration. And that’s exactly what we did. The best works will be displayed on a 200 m wall at Ołbińska street – fully dedicated to the survey of projects from the open call. Apart from that, three best authors will receive financial awards this year – says Bartek Bartos, director of Kinomural. – This year’s edition, sixth already, will bring several surprises to our public. We hope to surprise you even more than usually.

The organizers of the event are waiting for artistic visions in the style of Kinomural, oscillating around the theme of Fables for Robots. “A long, long time ago… That’s how our human fairy-tales used to begin. Will robots start telling their tales in the same way? – that’s one of the questions posed by Bartek Bartos in his text to artists. Look here for more.  

By May 30 we will select the works that will be presented this year as large-scale projections on one of the building walls in a historic part of Wrocław. In addition, all of the selected works will take part in the contest – so each has a chance to be awarded with the prize money of 3.000 PLN.

How to apply? Terms and Conditions, calendar, and technical guidelines are available on the website.

September 2024

Organizer: Fundacja Kinomural
Patron of the Contest:
OKRE Development
Patron of the Event: Municipality of Wroclaw
Curators’ team of the OPEN CALL: Piotr Bartos, Bartek Bartos