Let us take you on a thrilling exploration of how contemporary art addresses mental health, touching on themes like loneliness, loss, pressure, fears, and trauma.
Mental Health
& Wellbeing
On the windswept plains of an alien world bathed in twin suns, the Luminal Monolith stands as an enduring enigma.
On the frozen surface of the remote ice world Vynara, vast lakes of liquid crystal, hide unkown mysteries in their endless, dark depths.
Performances And Performative Actions Worth Seeing
Akcja Lublin! Chapter 2 is another exhibition from the series presenting performance art, organised by the Galeria Labirynt. The curators Paulina Kempisty and Waldemar Tatarczuk selected the most significant performances and performative actions (according to them) from the gallery’s archives which took place in the past in Lublin.
At the exhibition are presented works by artists such as; Jerzy Bereś, Maria Pinińska-Bereś, Akademia Ruchu (Academy of Movement), Jan Świdziński, Zbigniew Warpechowski, KwieKulik, Ewa Partum, Józef Robakowski.
Anna Jochymek, Bâton fleurdelisé, 2013
Akcja Lublin! Chapter-2, exhibition view, photo Wojciech Pacewicz
“Skill of sharing”, photo Wojciech Pacewicz
The Studio of Spatial Activities, Pogo, 2010
Norbert Delman, SOS, 2014
Monika Karczmarczyk, Porządek, 2017
Mikołaj Sobczak, The Epiphanies Video Chat-2016
Krzysztof Bagiński, Oczy mówcie co widzicie
Kamil Kotarba, Taniec w intencji pomyślnej obrony dyplomu, 2017
Lublin, 26.01.2018 Akcja Lublin! Rozdział 2
Fot. Wojciech Pacewicz