Michał Zawada, no title (Volcano), photo: Michał Bratko

Photostory: Between Times The Exhibition Is Part of the Copernicus Festival

The exhibition “Between Times” explores the subjective sense of time. We commonly assume that time moves in one direction. It cannot be turned back, it persists in passing and we cannot but accept this because, no matter what, time goes on at a monotonous rate which is measured with ever increasing accuracy.

Andrzej Bednarczyk, Diary of the minotaur, obiect, photo: Michał Bratko

Andrzej Bednarczyk, Diary of the minotaur, obiect, photo: Michał Bratko

Still, our subjective and internal sense of time is radically different. Within the human minds, thoughts and memories, affected by diverse experiences and emotions, time elapses in a capricious and unpredictable manner, changing speed and direction. When we recall past events, we are capable of reversing time. Time seems to stop in case of a dramatic event. These mental habits of perceiving temporality as discontinuous, changeable and relative is seconded by contemporary science which defines time as a relative phenomenon conditioned by variable data and sometimes categorically denies its existence.

Various interpretations of the passing of time, inspired by popular notions and contemporary science, are presented by contemporary Polish artists who have addressed the question of whether the relentless flow of seconds, minutes and hours can be halted, on what conditions and in what circumstances. There are times in which time becomes suspended, for example, when we contemplate a landscape or in a moment of bliss. We may feel like time has stopped on a journey – between the departure point and the destination. Recently, time has jolted to a halt for all humanity because of the coronavirus pandemic. Such specific cases of lingering between times will constitute one of the topics at our exhibition.

Kinga Nowak, Łukasz Stokłosa, exhibition view, photo: Michał Bratko

Kinga Nowak, Łukasz Stokłosa, exhibition view, photo: Michał Bratko

The Between Times exhibition is part of the Copernicus Festival. It takes place between 5 – 31 Oct 2020 at the CRICOTEKA Centre for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor ul. Nadwiślańska 2-4, Kraków, level -1

Exhibition hours: 5th Oct: 6pm – 8pm
On remaining dates: Thursday – Sunday 11am – 7pm

  • Andrzej Bednarczyk
  • Michał Bratko
  • Diana Lelonek
  • Izabela Łęska
  • Krzysztof Maniak
  • Kinga Nowak
  • Mikołaj Smoczyński
  • Łukasz Stokłosa
  • Mikołaj Szpaczyński
  • Michał Zawada
  • Erwina Ziomkowska

Curated by Magdalena Ujma
Organised by: 

  • Copernicus Center Foundation (Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies)
  • Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków
  • CRICOTEKA Centre for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor

Exhibition view, photo: Michał Bratko

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