
Portfolio: Anna Zaradny Sound and visual artist, composer, improviser and performer

photo by Michał Matejko

photo by Michał Matejko

Anna Zaradny – sound and visual artist, composer, improviser and performer. Co-founder of the Musica Genera Festival and the Musica Genera label. The creativity of Anna Zaradny is expressed through sound and visual art. As a composer and instrumentalist she continues the experience of the musical avant-garde. Zaradny works in a wide spectrum of genres: from acoustic improvised music with a contemporary minimalist language to the complex structures of experimental electronic music compositions. As a visual artist, Zaradny creates in various media including conceptual compositions, photography, sound and video installations, multimedia objects in relation to the body, technology, architecture, space, acoustics and immersive-sensory experience. The artist uses abstraction, micro sound and architectonic elements, lights and space. Her pieces are marked by the ambiguity and the relationship between medium and ideas. Zaradny’s works have been presented in festivals and exhibitions all over the world, the last ones so far at: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, SiILBERKUPPE, Berlin, Kunst-Werke, Berlin, Sottovoce, London, What is music? Festival, Sydney, Melbourne, All Ears Festival, Oslo, Unsound Festival New York, Exploratory Music From Poland Super-Deluxe Tokyo, Japan. She is also author of music for theatre plays and multimedia projects: National Narodowy, Nowy Teatr,  Studio,  Dramatic Theater in Warsaw. Sound performance/concert   „Le group panique with the flesh of the world” Paulina Ołowska and Anna Zaradny homage for Alina Szapocznikow especially commissioned by WIELS   Brussels, 2012. The discography of Anna Zaradny includes solo recordings and collaborative projects with a.o.: Burkhard Stangl, Christian Fennesz, Robert Piotrowicz, Tony Buck, Kasper Toeplitz, Cor Fuhler.


Feel free – to measure and immerse yourself in time by watching, listening, feeling, activate all your senses – Follow me …..


The Sound Of A Distanced Body, 2020, photo by Iza Miecznikowska


The Sound Of A Distanced Body, 2020, still from video

SYNTHESIZE ME photo collage, music, video, 2017/2020 photo collage Anna Zaradny

SYNTHESIZE ME, photo collage, music, video, 2017/2020, photo collage: Anna Zaradny (work in progress)

Full movie:
4.RZUT / PARTYTURA PLAN / SCORE kolaż druk na kalce technicznej / collage print on tracing paper, 2016

RZUT / PARTYTURA PLAN / SCORE, video 2019, still from video teaser

4.RZUT / PARTYTURA PLAN / SCORE kolaż druk na kalce technicznej / collage print on tracing paper, 2016

RZUT / PARTYTURA PLAN / SCORE, collage print on tracing paper, 2016, photo: Anna Lebenstejn Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków, 2016

Full video:

LUTOSŁAWSKI CUT video without sound, obiect, concrete, metal 2016

LUTOSŁAWSKI CUT, video without sound, obiect, concrete, metal, SOUNDLESS, Galeria Arsenał Białystok 2018 photo: M. Zaniewski

LUTOSŁAWSKI CUT, video without sound, obiect, concrete, metal, 2016

LUTOSŁAWSKI CUT 2016, RONDO DENOTING CIRCLE”, Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow, 2016 photo: Grzegorz Mart

7.Theurgy Two, 2017, Duration: 14’54”

Theurgy Two, video 2017, music: Anna Zaradny from album „Go Go Theurgy” LP: Musica Genera, MGV6 /BCAZ3 (2016), Theurgy Two, Inne tańce CSW, 2017, photo: Bartek Górka

Theurgy Two, video 2017 Muzyka: Anna Zaradny from album „Go Go Theurgy” LP: Musica Genera, MGV6 /BCAZ3 (2016) Theurgy Two, Inne tańce CSW, 2017, photo: MArek Gardulski

Theurgy Two, 2017 music: Anna Zaradny from album „Go Go Theurgy” LP: Musica Genera, MGV6 /BCAZ3 (2016)  Kasia Michalski Gallery 2017 photo: Marek Gardulski

Full movie: www.
FOR YOU KARLHEINZ 2016 “RONDO DENOTING CIRCLE”, Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow, 2016 photo: Grzegorz Mart

FOR YOU KARLHEINZ 2016 SOUNDLESS, Galeria Arsenał Białystok 2018 photo: M. Zaniewski

FOR YOU KARLHEINZ 2016 “RONDO DENOTING CIRCLE”, Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow, 2016 photo: Grzegorz Mart

RONDO DENOTING CIRCLE”, Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow, 2016 photo: Grzegorz Mart

COMMENSALISM, stil from video, 2020

COMMENSALISM, video & music, stil from video, 2020 (work in progress)

HARMONY OF HAPPINESS (NEVER REACHED), 8 commemorative melodies on the notebook, 2008

HARMONY OF HAPPINESS (NEVER REACHED), exhibition view, Galeria Starter Warszawa, 2015, photo PION

HARMONY OF HAPPINESS (NEVER REACHED), 8 commemorative melodies on the notebook, 2008

HARMONY OF HAPPINESS (NEVER REACHED), 8 commemorative melodies on the notebook, 2008

Tongue of Venus 2012, Starter Gallery

Tongue of Venus, 2012, site-specific, audio video installation object, Starter Gallery

TONGUE OF VENUS 1 sound installation (obiect-video 18’58”, object, photography - score), 2013/2015, Mere Formality, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, 2015 photo: W. Pacewicz

sound installation (obiect-video 18’58”, object, photography – score), 2013/2015,  Mere Formality, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, 2015 photo: W. Pacewicz

TRIGONOMETRY7, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, photo by Bartek Satwiarski

TRIGONOMETRY7, 2009, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, photo by Bartek Satwiarski

TRIGONOMETRY7, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, photo by Anna Zaradny

TRIGONOMETRY7, 2009, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, photo by Anna Zaradny

Music: Anna Zaradny from split Anna Zaradny/ Burkhard Stangl EP
RE : EM Anna Zaradny feat Christian Fennesz

RE : EM Anna Zaradny feat Christian Fennesz

Anna Zaradny on Bandcamp

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