AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobil;e 2019

Salone Internazionale Del Mobile Di Milano The world’s largest furniture and design fair

Salone del Mobile 2019

Salone del Mobile 2019

The international furniture and design fair Salone Internazionale del Mobile di Milano takes place annually in the town of Rho, Milan. The fair is held at the Fiera Milano fairgrounds, a precisely arranged exhibition space designed by architect Massimiliano Fuksas that spreads over 345,000 square metres, with a further 60,000 square metres outdoors. The fair is the largest of its kind in the world.

We move from one pavilion to another, on foot, by bus or scooter, around the sophisticatedly-thought-out infrastructure, now and then coming across bars and restaurants with local goodies. This buzzing, few-days-long event is visited by millions of people. The presence of the impressive amount of exhibits from the fields of design and furniture-making makes it almost impossible to see all in one go.

Salone del Mobile 2019

Salone del Mobile 2019

AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobile 2019

AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobile 2019

Salon del Mobile 2019
Salon del Mobile 2019

On the eve of the 1960s, Italy, just like Germany, faced a great building reconstruction project. After the Second World War it was essential to rebuild, among other things, homes for citizens. These large volumes of empty buildings brought a great demand for furniture and design. The Italian and German industries needed to get in touch with consumers; each had different industrial characteristics. Italy was characterised by many small companies, while the German situation was just the opposite. In 1960, in Cologne the Koelnmesse, the historical exhibition of the home and furnishing sector, had its great rebirth. Having noticed the positive reaction of the world to the German exhibition, a group of Italian entrepreneurs involved in the furniture sector – Federelegno-Arredo trade association – decided to create a similar event in Italy. This is how Cosmit (Comitato Organizzatore del Salone del Mobile Italiano) was born.

AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobil;e 2019

AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobile 2019

The first edition of the Salone del Mobile was inaugurated at the Milan Fair in 1961, with 328 participating companies, covering an exhibition area of ​​11,860 square metres, with 12,100 visitors, 800 of whom came from abroad. From 1967 the exhibition became international in alternate years, and then every year from 1991 onwards. Thirty years after the first edition, in 1991, 1,959 exhibitors participated (258 of which were foreign) in an area of 144,000 square metres, with 147,000 visitors, 53,000 of whom came from abroad. At the end of the 1994 edition, Cologne held a conference at which the Italian Salon was declared the biggest in the world. From that year the decline of the German Koelnmesse began.

Moving forward, visitor numbers continued to rise – in 2018 the fair welcomed 434,509 visitors from 188 countries in 6 days. The number has increased by 17% and 26% compared to 2016 and 2017 respectively. What’s more, those who don’t fit inside the fair, don’t miss the occasion to be widely seen. Walking through the city of Milan, you will surely come across the so-called Fuorisalone (lit. “out of salon”). It’s a litany of events and exhibitions of furniture and design, organised by professionals, outside of the fair and spread across the whole city.

AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobil;e 2019

AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobile 2019

Visitors, as well as exhibitors, from everywhere in the world, should be prepared for mind-blowing experiences in the following sectors: Classic (antique and neoclassical furniture), Design (modern furniture and contemporary design), EuroLuce (furnishing accessories concerning lighting, EuroCucina (furnishing accessories for kitchens), International Bathroom Exhibition (furnishing accessories for the bathroom), SaloneSatellite (small stands dedicated to young designers).

It has to be said that, Milan has at least one special characteristic. It is hugely affected by luxury and fripperies. It can be easily noticed by the chandeliers and stunning, decorated mirrors in the Arranged Apartments section. Moreover, the city is a great organizer of events with fanfare. The citizens’ hospitality is full of emotion. It’s not only about money and showing up; above all, it’s the pure pleasure of inviting their guests to see the beautiful interiors that they are known for.

Edited by Lisa Barham

Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2019

9-14 April 2019


Salon del Mobile 2019
AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobile 2019

AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobile 2019

Salon del Mobile 2019
AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobile 2019

AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobile 2019

AQUA. La visione di Leonardo, Salone del Mobile 2019

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