Alicja Kwade

review Goshka Macuga, Exhibition M, 2019 Installation view, The Museum of Modern Art, New York. © 2019 The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Photographed by Heidi Bohnenkam. Courtesy of the Kate MacGarry Gallery.

Top 10 most emergent Polish female visual artists, who are actively experimenting with various art forms.

Aleksandra Lisek Apr 16, 2024
Alicja Kwade, Gravitas, photo by Sara Morgan

New York: Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Aug 27, 2019
review Alicja Kwade

Alicja Kwade: Trans-For-Men Exhibition Review from Finland: Espoo Museum of Modern Art (EMMA)

Contemporary Lynx Team May 06, 2019

New York: Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Apr 01, 2019

Canberra City: Alicja Kwade, Goshka Macuga

Contemporary Lynx Team Feb 01, 2019
Alicja Kwade exhibition

Barcelona: Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Jan 28, 2019
Alicja Kwade, ‘Out of Ousia’ (2016), Installation view Art Unlimited, Art Basel 2016. Photo Sebastian di Persano. Courtesy the artist, KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin London, 303 GALLERY, New York, kamel mennour, Paris London. Collection of National Gallery of Australia

Tours: Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Jan 11, 2019
review Exhibition view Land of Lads, Land of Lashes, lower corridor, photo Tom Carter, courtesy of Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac

Arts Round-up 2018 Polish Presence Abroad

Michalina Sablik Dec 21, 2018
exhibition london

London: Robert Irwin, Alicja Kwade, Monika Sosnowska

Contemporary Lynx Team Oct 31, 2018
review Queuing for Alex Baczynski-Jenkins Frieze Artist Award 2018

Polish Presence At Frieze London The winner of this year’s Frieze Award, women, performative shift and Polish artists living abroad.

Roma Piotrowska Oct 19, 2018
fiac paris 2018

Paris: Kasia Fudakowski, Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Oct 18, 2018
frieze london 2018

London: Alicja Kwade, Alex Baczynski-Jenkins, Wilhelm Sasnal, Monika Sosnowska,

Contemporary Lynx Team Oct 01, 2018
alicja kwade

Bridehampton: Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Sep 14, 2018
review photo I Never Read

Our Subjective Guide Art Fairs And Exhibitions In Basel

Contemporary Lynx Team Jun 13, 2018
tunnelteller Alicja Kwade

Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team May 07, 2018
in aporie kwade alicja

Zürich: Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Apr 18, 2018

Six Female Artists Who Changed The Course Of Art History Aeticles about exceptional female artists

Contemporary Lynx Team Mar 08, 2018
review Banner Repeater

6 Art Galleries In Unusual Locations Not all art galleries are white cubes

Contemporary Lynx Team Feb 19, 2018
review TOP 10 ARTICLES OF 2017

Top 10 Articles Of 2017 Find out

Contemporary Lynx Team Dec 30, 2017
review Marcin Dudek, Well Washed, 2017, Jesmonite, wood and glass fiber, 98 x 56 x 8 cm, 38 5/8 x 22 1/8 x 3 1/8 in

Polish Art During The Frieze Week In London. Frieze Week’s Highlights.

Contemporary Lynx Team Oct 02, 2017
review Venice Biennale, photo Contemporary Lynx 2017

Our Subjective Guide To Polish Artists In Venice the 57th Venice Biennale

Dobromiła Błaszczyk May 13, 2017

Hong Kong: Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Mar 14, 2017

Berlin: Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Mar 14, 2017
review top ten articles 2016

Top 10 Articles 2016

Contemporary Lynx Team Jan 01, 2017

Kochi: Aleksandra Ska, Alicja Kwade, Paweł Althamer

Contemporary Lynx Team Nov 28, 2016
in aporie kwade alicja

Paris: Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Oct 14, 2016
Alicja Kwade

London: Alicja Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Sep 22, 2016
review Art Basel 2016 – TREASURE HUNT

Art Basel 2016 Treasure Hunt

Dobromiła Błaszczyk Jul 28, 2016
Alicja Kwade

Baden-Baden: Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Jun 03, 2016
Alicja Kwade

New York: Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team May 16, 2016
Alicja Kwade

Amsterdam: Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Jan 21, 2016
Interview Alicja Kwade

Somewhere Else At The Same Time… Interview with Alicja Kwade

Dobromiła Błaszczyk Jan 15, 2016
review Contemporary Lynx Magazine

The New Year’s Summaries 2016

Contemporary Lynx Team Jan 05, 2016

Polish Artists At Art Basel 2015

Contemporary Lynx Team Jul 21, 2015

Citizens Of The World Interview with Dobrila Denegri

Anna Nowok Jul 06, 2015

Beyond The White Cube. Highlights From Gallery Weekaend Berlin 2015

Marek Wołyński Jun 17, 2015

Neumünster: Jankowski, Kudlicka, Kwade, Polska

Contemporary Lynx Team Jun 10, 2015

Art Collectors Can Feel As If They Have Entered A Lavish Museum Boasting An Array Of Art Collections Frieze Art Fair 2014

Dobromiła Błaszczyk Nov 10, 2014

Polish Artists At Art|45|Basel 2014

Dobromiła Błaszczyk Jul 02, 2014

Berlin: Althamer, Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Jun 12, 2014

Berlin: Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team May 27, 2014

Berlin: Kwade

Contemporary Lynx Team Mar 31, 2014

Polish Artists At Art Cologne 2013

Dobromiła Błaszczyk May 08, 2013