Iza Tarasewicz

review Goshka Macuga, Exhibition M, 2019 Installation view, The Museum of Modern Art, New York. © 2019 The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Photographed by Heidi Bohnenkam. Courtesy of the Kate MacGarry Gallery.

Top 10 most emergent Polish female visual artists, who are actively experimenting with various art forms.

Aleksandra Lisek Apr 16, 2024
review Baltic Horizons group exhibition, State Art Gallery in Sopot, 2023

The 1st Edition of the Baltic Horizons Competition in Sopot A Not-yet-harmonious Dance of Mankind and Nature Intertwined with Modern Crises. What’s the Melody?

Monika Juskowiak May 29, 2023
review Oskar Dawicki, Playing with Granat, 2020, film, object, photo: Grzegorz Press/Zachęta archive

Polish Sculpture from Classic to Modern Form. Unearthly Bodies at the Zachęta National Gallery of Art in Warsaw

Patrycja Głusiec Mar 05, 2021

Pori: Alina Szapocznikow, Iza Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Feb 05, 2020
MdbK, Iza Tarasewicz

Leipzig: Iza Tarasiewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Aug 12, 2019
Official presentation of Pedro Reyes’s monograph, Ad Usum. Photo PJ Rountree.

Mexico City: Iza Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Jan 14, 2019
Rafał Dominik exhibition

Vilnus: Ewa Axelrad, Wojciech Bąkowski, Przemysław Branas, Rafał Dominik, Małgorzata Goliszewska, Edka Jarząb, Agnieszka Kalinowska, Mateusz Kula, Nomadic State, Cezary Poniatowski, Dominika Olszowy, Stroboskop, Iza Tarasewicz, Bartosz Zaskórski

Contemporary Lynx Team Aug 13, 2018
liste art fair

Basel: Olaf Brzeski, Karolina Jabłońska, Gizela Mickiewicz, Katarzyna Przezwańska, Iza Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Jun 10, 2018
Arcolisboa 2018

Lisbon: Adam Adach, Agnieszka Kalinowska, Sławomir Pawszak, Iza Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team May 11, 2018
beyond the river exhibition

Bad Muskau: Ewa Axelrad, Maria Loboda, Agnieszka Polska, Katarzyna Przezwańska, Iza Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Apr 03, 2018
i am the mouth exhibition

Zagreb: Aneta Grzeszykowska, Zofia Kulik, Piotr Łakomy, Paulina Ołowska, Agnieszka Polska, Slavs and Tatars, Iza Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Jan 18, 2018
Diana Lelonek, Center for the Living Things, 2016–2017, Foto: Maciej Zaniewski

Brno: Wojciech Bąkowski, Alicja Bielawska, Piotr Bosacki, Pawel Bownik, Diana Lelonek, Piotr Łakomy, Gizela Mickiewicz, Witek Orski, Janek Simon, Iza Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Nov 14, 2017
art brussels

Art Brussels 2017: Contemporary Lynx, Iza Tarasewicz, Sławek Pawszak, Małgorzata Szymankiewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Apr 03, 2017
blue box

Kiev: Grupa Budapeszt, Karol Radziszewski, Alicja Rogalska, Iza Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Oct 30, 2016
bienal sao paulo

São Paulo: Iza Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Sep 23, 2016
Common Affairs

Berlin: Revisiting the VIEWS Award the award initiated by Deutsche Bank and the Zachęta

Contemporary Lynx Team Aug 18, 2016
Gwangju Biennale Agnieszka Polska

Gwangju: Polska, Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Aug 18, 2016

Five Young Contemporary Artists To Watch

Contemporary Lynx Team Sep 22, 2015

Antwerp: Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Oct 22, 2014

Berlin: Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Sep 01, 2014

Liste Fair Art Comes As Natural As Grilled Sausages For Lunch

Monika Kozub Jul 26, 2014

Berlin: Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team May 05, 2014

Berlin: Tarasewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team Mar 11, 2014