Visit to the VDA. From 3SICCN Resources.

Three Seas Initiative Cultural Cooperation Network. Conference and act establishing multilateral cooperation in the field of culture.

On April 10, 2024, a group of institutions from countries from the Three Seas region officially established their new cultural cooperation network – The Three Seas Initiative Cultural Cooperation Network (3SICCN) – in Vilnius, Lithuania.

3SICCN is a group of cultural institutions, museums, galleries, art universities and associations of artists and art critics initiate cooperation in the context of the Three Seas Initiative. Partners want to support each other in conducting research on the culture and art. They are working on jointly organizing the cyclical Three Seas Art Festival, which will start in 2025 as a biennial visiting various locations in the region. This level of cooperation is intended to support the integration of the region’s societies and help them see the value of cultural diversity and common identity. The initiative is open and polycentric, operate in the spirit of pluralism, mutual curiosity and friendship. The perspective of the European Union and the logic of EU structural cohesion are key to the project. It is also important for partners to research and improve educational and cultural policies and culture-related public services in individual 3SI countries. 3SICCN understands the sphere of art, design, education and creative industries not only as a space of public diplomacy but also as an important sector of the region’s economy, strongly influencing the lives of citizens and covering a significant financial volume.

Founding members:

University of the National Education Commission, Krakow, Poland, National Museum of Contemporary Art MNAC Bucharest, Romania, Slovak Natinal Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia, The Peter Michal Bohúň Gallery in Liptov Region, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia, Olomouc Museum of Art – Central European Forum, Olomouc, Czech Republic, MUFO Museum of Photography in Krakow, Poland, Center for Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor CRICOTEKA, Krakow, Poland, Three Seas Art Foundation, Krakow, Poland, acb Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, Center for Contemporary Art, Graz, Austria, AICA International, Paris, France, Vytautas Magnus University, Education Academy, Vilnius, Lithuania, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine, Lviv National Academy of Arts, Lviv, Ukraine, Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens, Greece.

Gediminas Varvuolis, Ambassador at large for connectivity, Ministry of Foreing Affairs of Lithuania. From 3SICCN Resources.
2. Barbara Nałęcz-Nieniewska, Calin Dan, Alexandra Tamásová, Barbora Kundračíková, Dominik Kuryłek, Aldona Mikulska
Barbara Nałęcz-Nieniewska, Calin Dan, Alexandra Tamásová, Barbora Kundračíková, Dominik Kuryłek, Aldona Mikulska, From 3SICCN Resources
3. Barbara Nałęcz-Nieniewska, Ivan Gryshchenko, Vera Mlechevska, Yaryna Shumska, online Jadwiga Husarska. From 3SICCN Resources.
Barbara Nałęcz-Nieniewska, Ivan Gryshchenko, Vera Mlechevska, Yaryna Shumska, online Jadwiga Husarska. From 3SICCN Resources.

The launch of the new group was accompanied by a conference titled “3SI Cultural Cooperation Area. Art and science, public policies, education and business” and a screening of the film titled: “ALTER EGO” by Weronika Plińska and Igor Kawecki about the street art activities of Piotr Jargusz and Angelika Wojas.

The event is part of 3 Seas Business Forum Vilnius 2024, and was hosted by the Lithuanian project partners: Vytautas Magnus University Education Academy and Vilnius Academy of Arts.

Visit to the VDA. From 3SICCN Resources.
Visit to the VDA. From 3SICCN Resources.
7. Dominik Kuryłek in the VDA Gallery. From 3SICCN Resources.
Dominik Kuryłek in the VDA Gallery. From 3SICCN Resources.
From 3SICCN Resources
From 3SICCN Resources
Prof. Ricardas Bartkevicius gives a tour of his exhibition. From 3SICCN Resources.
Prof. Ricardas Bartkevicius gives a tour of his exhibition. From 3SICCN Resources.
From 3SICCN Resources
From 3SICCN Resources
12. Prof. Ricardas Bartkevicius gives a tour of his exhibition.. From 3SICCN Resources
Prof. Ricardas Bartkevicius gives a tour of his exhibition.. From 3SICCN Resources.
From 3SICCN Resources
From 3SICCN Resources.


  • Gediminas Varvuolis, Ambassador at large for connectivity, Ministry of Foreing Affairs Republic of Lithuania
  • Mindaugas Nefas, Vice chancellor of the Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius / Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Łukasz Murzyn, Dean of the Faculty of Art, University of the National Education Commision, Krakow, Poland, President of the board of the Three Seas Art Foundation

Discussion participants:

  • Calin Dan, General Director of the National Museum of Contemporary Art MNAC, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ivan Gryshchenko, Rector of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Alexandra Tamásová, Curator of modern and contemporary art collections a collection of modern and contemporary graphics and a collection of intuitive art, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Barbora Kundračíková, Head of the Modern Art Collections-SEFO, Olomouc Museum of Art – Central European Forum, Olomouc, Czech Republic
  • Dominik Kuryłek, Chief Curator of the MUFO Museum of Photography in Krakow, Poland
  • Aldona Mikulska, Head of the Promotion and Events Department, Center for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor CRICOTEKA, Krakow, Poland
  • Vera Mlechevska, President of AICA Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Yaryna Shumska, Department of Contemporary Art Practices, Lviv National Academy of Arts, Lviv, Ukraine / NGO “Art Association “NURT”, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Jadwiga Husarska, Andrzej Sobina, Husarska, Design studio, Krakow, Poland
  • Mindaugas Nefas, Vice chancellor of the Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius / Kaunas, Lithuania


  • Barbara Nałęcz-Nieniewska, Jagiellonian Club, Warsaw, Poland
5. Calin Dan, Vera Mlechevska, Łukasz Murzyn, Yaryna Shumska, Ivan Gryshchenko, Alexandra Tamásová, Aldona Mikulska, Barbora Kundračíková, Dominik Kuryłek. From 3SICCN Resources.
5. Calin Dan, Vera Mlechevska, Łukasz Murzyn, Yaryna Shumska, Ivan Gryshchenko, Alexandra Tamásová, Aldona Mikulska, Barbora Kundračíková, Dominik Kuryłek. From 3SICCN Resources.

About The Author


Weronika graduated from Adam Mickiewicz’s University in Poznań with an undergraduate degree in English Studies. She’s passionate about cinema, literature, politics and life writing.

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