‘HOME’ A film by Mela Hilleard

Kinoteatr ZDROWIE ul. Główna 36, Sokołowsko

Mela Hilleard has just returned from the 12th edition of the Hommage à Kieślowskiin Sokołowsko, where her first full-length documentary, HOME had a press screening. This 95minute film, made from footage shot over a 7 year period has the visual poetry and emotionalintensity of the great man himself, but is startling for the use of […]

the Hommage à Kieslowski Festival

Kinoteatr ZDROWIE ul. Główna 36, Sokołowsko

For the twelfth time, the Hommage à Kieslowski Festival welcomes cinema enthusiasts to delve into the oeuvre of Krzysztof Kieślowski, alongside some of the most compelling film productions of recent times. This year's programme offers not just a revisit to the iconic works of the Master, but also encounters with his protegés, screenings inspired by […]