
Contemporary Lynx Subjective Guide Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2013

Gallery Weekends are the kind of events, that have been established in almost every bigger European city. They give a great opportunity to show off an interesting art scene, the galleries that create it and expand the urban cultural policy. Some of these events can already boast a long tradition, they are well organized and attract to the gallery real crowds of visitors each year. The others are novice, trying to find their own character and new ways of showing the strength of environment and presenting their best – the art and artists creating it.

But irrespective of the scale of this action and the way of its organization, the Gallery Weekend is a great opportunity for people interested in the art and for the collectors to see all the exhibitions prepared for this occasion within one weekend.

Gallery Weekend is a celebration in which the art is the most important.

The idea of Gallery Weekend has been well received also in Poland. Besides the capital, the subsequent displays took place in Cracow, Poznan, Wroclaw. The third edition of this event being in preparation on a really big scale will take place in Warsaw in September. The number of galleries participating in the event has considerably increased and, what is more important, it has been decided, that cooperation between private and public institutions is possible – strengthening this way the mutual relationships and showing a united front this year. Two weeks ago we had an opportunity to talk with the Warsaw–based organizers about the preparations for the event, about the difference between this event and the previous editions and about the way they would like to meet the people coming to the WGW from abroad. We will be able to verify this soon. The effects we will be seen already this weekend and we will give the report on this event to all those who could not visit to Warsaw. We will keep you informed about the next shows on Facebook and Twitter – therefore please be with us and give us your comment, send opinions.

At the beginning we would like to present you “Contemporary Lynx Subjective Guide to Warsaw Gallery Weekend”. We hope, that this guide will make the planning of your tour easier. By tracing our guide you can learn where, when and what is worth seeing.

Wednesday, 25.09.2013

19:00, Opening reception of Showroom, An Overview of Warsaw Galleries 2013

Museum of Modern Art [Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej], Emilii Plater 5

Free Admission

Friday, 27.09.2013

17:00-19:00, Opening receptions in the galleries

15:00, Panel discussion inaugurating Warsaw Gallery Weekend, as well as the premier of the second issue of the magazine SZUM. Participants: Zuzanna Hadryś (Stereo Gallery), Marta Kołakowska (Leto Gallery), Izabela Jabłońska (New World Holding S.A.), and Małgorzata Smagorowicz, collector of contemporary art, moderator: Adam Mazur

Large Hall [Duża Aula], Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts [Akademia Sztuk Pięknych], Krakowskie Przedmieście 5

Free Admission

22:00, Innagural Party: Avant, Avant Garde – Gamut Ensemble (Maciej Śledziecki & Marion Worle), Magda Mayas & Tisha Mukarji, Steven Stapleton & Andrew Liles (artists behind Nurse with Wound) and live acts by Jacek Sienkiewicz, Jacek Staniszewski, The Phantom and Infinite Livez

Center for Contemporary Art [Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej], Jazdów 2

Free Admission

Saturday, 28.09.2013

12:00-19:00, Gallery Hours

11:00, Collecting Art – a Hobby or an Investment?

A rare meeting for collectors, during which Piotr Bazylko and Krzysztof Masiewicz will present their concept of collecting.

Lookout Gallery, Puławska 41/22

12:00, Polish art in English. A meeting with “Calisian Boat.” Attention! The meeting will take place in English.

Propaganda, Foksal 11/1

12:00, Discussion about collecting contemporary art, with: Julia Stoschek (Düsseldorf), Regina Wyrwoll (Cologne) and Joanna Kiliszek (Warszawa)

The Stanislavian Theater [Teatr Stanisławowski], The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw [Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie], Agrykola 1

Admission by invitation only

12:00-14:00, Breakfast with the artists (Natalia LL and Karol Radziszewski)

lokal_30, Wilcza 29a/12

12:00-16:00, Brunch in Raster’s Garden

Raster, Wspólna 63

14:00-16:00, A course in signature forging taught by Oskar Dawicki

Raster, Wspólna 63

18:00, Performance by Georgii Sagri

Museum of Modern Art [Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej], Emilii Plater 5

Free Admission

24:00, After Party

Bar Studio, Palace of Culture and Science [PKIN], Plac Defilad 1

Sunday, 29.09.2013

12:00-19:00, Gallery Hours

12:00-16:00, Brunch in Raster’s Garden

Raster, Wspólna 63

12:00-18:00, Spotlight Kids – A Platform Promoting Contemporary Art for Children

Museum of Modern Art [Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej], Emilii Plater 5

Free Admission, advanced registration required:

12:00, Special guided tour of current exhibitions

Center for Contemporary Art [Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej], Jazdów 2

Free Admission

12.00, Meeting with Piotr Rypson, Deputy Director for Research and curator of Contemporary Art Collection at the National Museum in Warsaw, Gallery of 20th and 21st-century, National Museum, Al. Jerozolimskie 3

Free Admission

14:00, Special guided tour of current exhibitions

Museum of Modern Art [Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej], Emilii Plater 5

Free Admission

16:00, Special guided tour of current exhibitions

Zachęta National Gallery of Art [Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki], Plac Małachowskiego 3

Free Admission

16:00, A guided tour of the exhibition along with a screening of the film Zdarzenie [The Event], which is a recording of a conversation between Jan Świdziński and Joseph Kosuth.

Fundacja ARTon, Mińska 25, SOHO Factory

Saturday and Sunday, 28 and 29.09.2013

We Really Like It [Bardzo nam się podoba] – the third Guardhouse walk though Warsaw galleries and artist studios

Advanced registration required:


Aleksander Bruno
ul. Bracka 3/1a

Agnieszka Brzeżańska, Elisabeth Smolarz, Alina Szapocznikow
Fifth Force
27.09.2013 – 29.11.2013

ul. Jakubowska 16

Wojciech Plewiński/ Ronit Porat
Reminiscencje/ Hippocampus
27.09.2013 – 26.10.2013

Bochenska Gallery
ul. Ząbkowska 27/31

Teresa Pągowska
Pictures and Collages1960- 1980
27.09.2013 – 21.10.2013


BWA Warszawa

ul. Jakubowska 16/3

BWA Warszawa – young gallery, young owners and established artists. From the beginning the profile is concentrate around the modernism but to be more specifically around the modernism fading away and sentimental feelings.

During Warsaw Gallery Weekend you will see the exhibition by Agnieszka Kalinowska Ściana wschodnia (Eastern Wall). Gallery will presend her newest works made in 2012 and 2013.

27.09.2013 – 16.11.2013

Agnieszka Kalinowska, Bez tytułu, 2013, papier, 19 x 24 x 8cm (c) Bartosz Gorka 2012, BWA

Agnieszka Kalinowska, Bez tytułu, 2013, papier, 19 x 24 x 8cm (c) Bartosz Gorka 2012, BWA Warszawa


ul.Koszykowa 63

Czułość is a grassroots initiative, and an independent, avant-garde movement in contemporary photography. Czułość is a self-organised group of photographers, who come together with other young people active in various supporting fields of culture.

They will present Paweł Eibel’s solo exhibition Greyscale Dominoes. „The idea behind this show is based on the creation of a visual anti-labyrinth in which images, and not corridors, lead the viewer, while at the same time misleading them, in search of an exit from the traps created by the images before them”.

27.09.2013 – 20.10.2013

Paweł Eibel, “Greyscale Dominoes” 27.09.2013 – 20.10.2013, photo courtesy Czułość

Paweł Eibel, “Greyscale Dominoes” 27.09.2013 – 20.10.2013, photo courtesy Czułość

Fundacja Archeologia Fotografii
ul. Andersa 13

Zbigniew Dłubak
Body Structures
27.09.2013 – 30.10.2013


Fundacja ARTon

Mińska 25, Soho Factory

Fundacja ARTon is focused on Polish art in the decade of the 70s. They digitize the archives of Polish artistes and build database of Polish art of the 70s by collecting and sharing information about photography, film and video.

During WGW Foundation will show the specificity of their work on the example of Jan Świdziński’s archive, collected and stored by the artist in his private apartment-studio in Warsaw.

29.09.2013, at 4:00 p.m. – If you are there, please join the guided tour and the screening of the film “Event”, which is a record of the conversation between Jan Świdziński and Joseph Kosuth

27.09.2013 – 16.11.2013

Jan Świdziński, Zamazywanie, 1981, courtesy ARTon Foundation

Jan Świdziński, Where are we going, baby?, 1990, courtesy ARTon Foundation

Fundacja Galerii Foksal
ul. Górskiego 1A

Cezary Bodzianowski
Chance’s Robbery
27.09.2013 – 31.10.2013

Fundacja Profile
ul. Hoża 41/22

Alicja Karska i Aleksandra Went
Exercises from the Future
27.09.2013 – 26.10.2013

Galeria Dawid Radziszewski
ul. Krochmalna 3

Tomasz Kowalski
Paintings and Assemblages

Galeria m²

ul. Oleandrów 6

m² gallery founded by Matylda Prus in 2007 collaborates with young artists and outstanding students of fine arts academies. The gallery collaborates with Igor Przybylski, Grzegorz Sztwiertnia, Paweł Janas, Paweł Dunal and many more interesting artists.

Especially for WGW, m² gallery is preparing an exhibition entitled Skaza (Flaw) by Siostry Borowe (Borowe Sisters). In their latest video Bond, the artists focus on the difficult relationship between siblings and the inescapability of being sisters.

Agata and Dorota Borowe graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Since 2001 they have been collaborating under the name Borowe Sisters.

27.09.2013 – 09.11.2013

Siostry Borowe, film still from the video „Więź” (“Bond”), 2013, part of the exhibition "Skaza", courtesy of m² gallery

Siostry Borowe, film still from the video „Więź” (“Bond”), 2013, part of the exhibition “Skaza”, courtesy of m² gallery

Siostry Borowe, part of the exhibition "Skaza", courtesy of m² gallery

Siostry Borowe, part of the exhibition “Skaza”, courtesy of m² gallery

Le Guern
ul. Widok 8, 2p.

Włodzimierz Jan Zakrzewski
Polin and Other Landscapes


ul. Mińska 25, Soho Factory

Founded by Marta Kolakowska, the LETO Gallery was officially launched in June 2007. The gallery represents important Polish artists, both already well established and emerging ones working on the edges of visual arts and music.

The gallery will present Maurycy Gomulicki exhibition Second Hand.

“A geometric fever, echoes of modernity, flirting with op-art, cleaning, repetitions, fakes. […]Cultural contraband. The discrete charm of abstraction, the nonchalance of forms, the antidote for color. A black and white panopticon. Regards to Henryk Berlewi[…]”

27.09.2013 – 31.10.2013

Maurycy Gomulicki, “Mermaid”, based on a ceramic decoration from the 60’s designed by J. Ciaś, vinyl mural, 2013, photo courtesy the artist and LETO Gallery

Maurycy Gomulicki, “El-Iksir”, 2013, Object, 8.5 x 8.5 x 18 cm, plexiglass, ed. 25 + 2AP, photo courtesy the artist and LETO Gallery


Lookout Gallery

ul. Puławska 41/22

In this series we present the most interesting exhibitions and events at Warsaw Gallery Weekend. Let’s start with Lookout Gallery and its special group show of photograhy “Tribute to Moda polska”.

Created in 2012 Lookout Gallery presents and promotes works of the contemporary photographers from Poland and abroad. The Gallery cooperates not only with photographers but also with experienced curators and experts from the field of photography and related art genres.

Participating artists:

Dorota Buczkowska, Karol Komorowski, Anna Orłowska & Mateusz Choróbski, Joanna Pawlik, Tadeusz Rolke, Tomek Sikora, Grzegorz Wełnicki, Magda Wunsche, Paweł Żukowski

27.09.2013 – 19.10.2013

Karol Komorowski, Street View: Al. Jerozolimskie, 2013 © Karol Komorowski

Karol Komorowski, Street View: Al. Jerozolimskie, 2013 © Karol Komorowski

Andrzej Świetlik, Małgorzata Niemen, 2013 © Andrzej Świetlik


ul. Wilcza 29a/12

lokal_30 promotes both young artists as well as more renowned representatives of the older generation. Each year they participate in art fairs. In this year’s ARCO Madrid they took the 2nd place in the ranking published by BlouinARTINFO magazine – TOP 10 Galleries and Artworks. As a curiosity from September 2009 to October 2010 lokal_30 has run its second temporary art space located in the East End.

During Warsaw Gallery Weekend, lokal_30 will present a solo show by Natalia LL – one of the most important artists of Polish neo-avant garde. The exhibition Doing Gender will focus on never before presented photographic works made in Wroclaw in the mid 60s. The exhibition will be accompanied by screening of Karol Radziszewski’s video America Is Not Ready For This.

27.09.2013 – 09.11.2013

Natalia LL, Topografia ciała, 1969, photograph, courtesy the artist and lokal_30

Natalia LL, Topografia ciała, 1966, photograph, courtesy the artist and lokal_30


ul. Mińska 25, Soho Factory

„Piktogram” is a magazine which publishes specially prepared by artists or so far unknown visual materials. Currently, it has been broadened to another dimension and moved into new space in the postindustrial building in Soho Factory. „Piktogram” collaborates there with an informal organization – magazine’s alter ego – Bureau of Loose Associations.

The exhibition Psychopaper shows the works on paper, as well as works linked to paper, of a psychedelic or psychopathological nature. All of the pieces were completed in the 1980s and stand as a document to the mental state engendered by an overdose of reality, which was in a chronic state of crisis.

Participating artists:

Ryszard Grzyb (Gruppa), Leszek Knaflewski (Koło Klipsa), Zbigniew Libera (Kultura Zrzuty, Sternenhoch, Nihilistyczny Alians Orgiastyczny), Luxus, Jerzy Truszkowski (Kultura Zrzuty, Sternenhoch, Nihilistyczny Alians Orgiastyczny)

27.09.2013 – 09.11.2013



ul. Londyńska 13

Pola Magnetyczne Gallery – Young gallery founded by Patrick Komorowski in his private house at Saska Kępa. As the owner is photograph historian the program is concentrate on the photography shown in an intimate way.

Especially for WGW, Pola Magnetyczne Gallery is preparing an exhibition entitled American Stills by Grzegorz Kowalski. The exhibition will present the photographs, sketches, collages, drawing, serigraphs, fragments of letters and notes taken during his year-long stay in the United States in 1970-1971.

27.09.2013 – 16.11.2013

Grzegorz Kowalski, Klisze amerykańskie, 1971© artist

Grzegorz Kowalski, American Stills, 1971© artist


ul. Foksal 11/1

You could heard about this gallery as it is a former appendix2. It was founded by Paweł Sosnowski. Gallery promotes Polish and foreign artists. It collaborates with Propaganda Foundation.

During Warsaw Gallery Weekend Propaganda Gallery will present the exhibition “Calisian Boat” with Łódź Kaliska’s works. They will present Botticelka [Little Botticellis], a variation on the Birth of Venus that was created a quarter century ago, but also photographic documentation of the action and banners bearing the slogan Łódź Kaliska which are also being displayed for the first time in Poland.


Łódź Kaliska, Botticelka, collage, 1989, photo courtesy Propaganda Gallery

Łódź Kaliska, Banery (Banners) 1985, photo courtesy Propaganda Gallery

ul. Wspólna 63

The Raster Gallery was founded by two art critics, Łukasz Gorczyca and Michał Kaczyński. The gallery is among the leaders of the Central European contemporary art market taking part in major art fairs, representing accomplished artists from Poland and abroad and collaborates with the most important foreign institutions.

During WGW, Raster Gallery will present a solo show by Oskar Dawicki – a great artist and performer. Humour, irony and meta-reflection are intrinsic elements in his projects. This time, in Raster Dawicki will refer to a series of famous paintings Execution (Rozstrzelanie) by Andrzej Wróblewski.


announcement of the Oskar Dawicki’s exhibition, courtesy Raster

ul. Gen. Andersa 13

Starter Gallery was set up in Poznań, where since May 2007 it operated as an artists’- and curators’-run space. For over three years of its activity there, it held over 50 shows with the participation of 72 artists from Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, and France. Starter is now based in Warsaw.

During Warsaw Gallery Weekend Starter presents “Every Imitation Disappoints’ – Bownik’s photographs that were specially prepared for this exhibition, as well as photographs from the series Disassembly [Demontaż]. The exhibition consists of two parts presented simultaneously in Starter Gallery (Andersa 13) and Branicki Palace (Miodowa 6, Podwale 3)

27.09.2013 – 31.10.2013

Bownik, Every Imitation Disappoints, photo courtesy Starter Gallery

Bownik, Every Imitation Disappoints, photo courtesy Starter Gallery

ul. Żelazna 68/4

Galeria Stereo was founded in March 2009. Its establishment was triggered directly by the activity of the Transmisja Foundation, which since 2007 substantially supported the development of arts in Poznań. The Foundation provided an impetus for the development of the Penerstwo group composed of a number of artists, four of whom cooperate now on a permanent basis with Galeria Stereo. Warsaw Gallery Weekend will start a new stage for the gallery – they are moving to Warsaw.

During WGW Stereo will present the exhibition The New Morals with works of four artists: Nina Beier, Piotr Łakomy, Gizela Mickiewicz, Michael E. Smith; who make a creative use of ready-mades. Each in their diverse paths, all of them transform and question the material world as it is, unleashing the potential of its senses. The starting point for the exhibition were John Ashbery’s poems. He writes: “The new morals have altered the original data”.

Piotr Łakomy, Fluffy Shell, 2003-2012, Courtesy Galeria Stereo, Poznań-Warsaw

Piotr Łakomy, Fluffy Shell, 2003-2012, Courtesy Galeria Stereo, Poznań-Warsaw

Nina Beier, The Demonstrators (sinking bulb), 2011, Courtesy of the artist and Croy Nielsen, Berlin

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Past LYNX Collaborator

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