Zlin: Natalia LL

7th New Zlín Salon Vavrečkova 7040, Zlín, Czech Republic

7th New Zlín Salon 2014, accompanying exhibition: Natalia LL

Barcelona: Natalia LL

LOOP FAIR Enrique Granados 3, Principal, Barcelona, Spain


abc berlin

abc art berlin contemporary, Station Berlin Luckenwalder Strasse 4—6, Berlin, Germany

abc art berlin contemporary, Berlin

Berlin: Natalia LL

abc art berlin contemporary, Station Berlin Luckenwalder Strasse 4—6, Berlin, Germany

"Natalia LL Doing Gender" book launch

Vienna: Natalia LL, Partum

MUMOK Museumsplatz 1, Vienna, Austria

My Body is the Event - among the artists: NATALIA LL, Ewa Partum

Budapest: Natalia LL, Zieliński

Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art Komor Marcell u. 1, Budapest, Hungary

Ludwig Goes Pop, among the artist: Jerzy Jurry Zieliński, Natalia LL

Dallas: Natalia LL

Dallas Museum of Art 1717 North Harwood, Dallas, United States

International Pop, among the artists: Natalia LL

Sokołowsko: Festival

Unnamed Venue Bar Barbara, Świdnicka 8c, Wrocław & Sokołowsko City, Wrocław and Sokołowsko, Poland

Festival CONTEXTS - conferance, exhibitions, performances

Kaunas: Natalia LL

Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery Nepriklausomybės a. 12, Kaunas

'Sum ergo sum' - exhibition

Stavanger: Natalia LL, Ewa Partum

Stavanger Art Museum Henrik Ibsens gate 55, Stavanger

'WOMAN. The Feminist Avant-Garde of the 1970s.' - exhibition
Works From The Sammlung Verbund Collection, Vienna