EXPLORE Let us take you on a thrilling exploration of how contemporary art addresses mental health, touching on themes like loneliness, loss, pressure, fears, and trauma. Mental Health
& Wellbeing
GET STARTED On the windswept plains of an alien world bathed in twin suns, the Luminal Monolith stands as an enduring enigma. MYSTERY ANCIENT GET STARTED On the frozen surface of the remote ice world Vynara, vast lakes of liquid crystal, hide unkown mysteries in their endless, dark depths. WORLDS EXTREME

Issue 1 (9) 2018

Art for All

Gilbert & George ◦ Martin Parr ◦ Erotics of Art ◦ Art in Everyday Life ◦ and more

Cover designed by Marta Antoniak

ART GAMES & PLAYFULLNESS / ART IN EVERYDAY LIFE / EROTICS OF ART / ART FOR ALL / INTERACTIVE ART are just some of the buzzwords which became our inspiration while creating the issue. We will show that art can inspire you in your everyday life, that it can be attractive or even sexy. You will see that art is often present in your everyday life, you just may not realise it. We will talk to prominent artists — Gilbert & George and Martin Parr, Alicja Bielawska and Mariusz Tarkawian. We will discuss how artists are depicted in movies and how they present themselves on social media. We will reflect on the fine line between a private statement and an artistic creation, for example on Instagram. Our topics also include comic books and a new wave of fashion photography. We will introduce you to celebrities who combine their acting and music career, with their private life filled with art. We would like to remind all of you that subjective opinions, personal perspectives and first impressions are immensely important when encountering art.

In our articles you will find examples of art intended for a wide public, whose reception is dependent on a physical and emotional interaction with the audience. We will try to prove that art can be a democratic sphere in which everyone can be included, regardless of their origin or educational background. We will show that art can inspire you in your everyday life, that it can be attractive or even sexy. You will see that art is often present in your everyday life, you just may not realise it. We will talk to prominent artists — Gilbert & George and Martin Parr. We will also present the works of young artists — Alicja Bielawska and Mariusz Tarkawian. We will discuss how artists are depicted in movies and how they present themselves on social media. We will reflect on the fine line between a private statement and an artistic creation, for example on Instagram. Our topics also include comic books and a new wave of fashion photography. We will introduce you to celebrities who combine their acting and music career, with their private life filled with art. We would like to remind all of you that subjective opinions, personal perspectives and first impressions are immensely important when encountering art. It is a pity that we are often ashamed of simply enjoying art. Taking this aspect into account we wanted to give back to you the joy of real contact with art. This is why we have included a ‘Play Zone’. To move you back to the happy days of your childhood and learn about contemporary art, try to solve a crossword designed by Maciej Skobel and much more…

The cover by Marta Antoniak

Our cover created by the visual artist Marta Antoniak, invites you to engage in a game. Inside each issue you can find the sticker set. Create your own version and discover two unique works by Marta — both from the serie Plastonomicon which are the reprints from the artist’s scratch book.






ARTISTS / Close-up

20 Gilbert & George. Art and Fire

26 Alicja Bielawska. Art as an Area of Parallel Reality

34 Martin Parr. That’s the Great Thing About Books, They Just Keep on Going

42 Marta Antoniak. For Your Eyes Only

46 Władysław Hasior.Popularity of an Idol

50 Mariusz Tarkawian. Special Feature

ART FOR ALL / New Narrativess

62 No Interpretation. On the Pleasure from Viewing Contemporary Art

70 Not So Innocent Game. Playfulness Can Be a Breath of Fresh Air

76 A Hundred Years and So What? On Feminism, the Centenary of Women’s Emancipation

78 Nuerotic Girl. The Bodies of Girls on the Internet

TREND-SPOTTING / New Culture Codes

84 Post-Everything. The Reflexive Relationship Between Post-identities, Contemporary Art, and the Internet

94 Snapshot of Memories. A New Wave of Polish Fashion Photographers

104 Art Ready-to-Use. Manifests Yourself Through Everyday Things

112 Sound Inspirations. SoundLab

115 Sex in Balloons

118 Art in Technicolour


123 Prague. Caput Regni

131 Miami. The Making of an Art City

COLLECTING / Treasure Hunt

140 Art on the Red Carpet. Celebrities and Their Passion for Contemporary Art

148 Starak Family Foundation. A Day in the Life

152 Moise Kisling. Expert’s Pick

TIPS / Work & Play

154 A Guide to an Artistic Career. Dos and Don’ts

161 On Our Shelf


166 CALENDAR / Travel Tips


  • Griffin Art Space



  • Dobromiła Błaszczyk,
  • Anna Dziuba,
  • Michał Korta,
  • Sławek Kozdraś,
  • Sylwia Krasoń,
  • Zofia Krawiec,
  • Maggie Kuzan,
  • Maja Lorkowska,
  • Małgorzata Miśkowiec,
  • Kamila Naglik,
  • Daga Ochędowska,
  • Maria Ostrowska,
  • Anna Prokop,
  • Marta Klara Sadowska,
  • Piotr Sikora,
  • Maciej Skobel,
  • Kola Śliwińska,
  • Anna Tomczak,
  • Artur Wabik,
  • Marek Wołyński,
  • Magdalena Anna Zięba,
  • Kuba Żary

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