
Our Own Room Project based on the words of Virginia Woolf.

I would like to present you a project “Our Own Room” based on the words of Virginia Woolf in “A Room of One´s Own.” It consists in a two stages of development. The first one is completely digital and virtual. This stage forsees a viral dissemination strategy of distribution and will last six months. The second stage will crystallise the first one in a analogic ”real” exhibition. 

Virginia Woolf´s book is based on the lectures that she gave in 1928 at two women’s universities in Cambridge. Her basic thesis was something so simple as difficult to achieve even today: a woman, in order to become a creator, needs her own room, that is, to be economically independent.

I would like to dedicate this project to all the women who have disappeared or been mistreated during this period of confinement, precisely because they do not have their own room.

Here, and from today, we want to widen the spectrum, to women artists from different disciplines. And also leave a space for anonymous women (or with their own name, if they wish) who reflect on the importance and the need of being independent.

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The times of crisis due to the pandemic that we are suffering all over the world, have further accentuated this need. The only space for work and reflection has been reduced to four walls: the artists, regardless of the discipline they practice and the country they are based, have not only created in their homes or workshops, but have also exhibited their work from there in view of the impossibility of showing it elsewhere.

My aim is to invite women artists (here I am referring to the feeling of being a woman, not to the gender one is “born” with) to take Woolf’s words as a starting point, to reflect on them and then show their work from their own rooms, in the format they choose and in total freedom.

In order to support them and make them known in different geographies, the project aims to create and expand a networks and involve more and more people in the project, regardless of the country they are in. Each week will be devoted to one of the participating artists, starting the project in October 2020 (as this is the month in which Woolf’s book was first published) and closing on 8 March 2021, Working Women’s Day. The creation and promotion of the page will begin on September, the 28th and the first artist presentation will take place the week of October, the 5th. Once a month a woman writer or journalist will dedicate a few words of reflection to the situation of women and their own room.

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They will be our ambassadors and will help us to promote the initiative.

Artists: María Abaddon, Justyna Adamczyk, Mona Aghababaee, Jasmine Bakalarz, Mabe Bethônico, Gabriela Carmona, Izabela Chamczyk, Dellfina Dellert, Frau Diamanda, Magdalena Firląg, Liliana G. Cuéllar, Valeria Ghezzi, Natalia Jiménez Gallardo, Simona Malato, Wynnie Minerva, Eliza Proszczuk, Analía Rodríguez, Cristina Savage, Barbara Schall, Agata Zbylut

Written by Inés R. Artola

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#Housekeeping a work from 2016 by @crisavage with the photographic support of @ddsfotografia •••••••• @mb.mariabueno and @crisavage have been talking all morning about the female ethnic minority artists’ presence in Spain, and how moving away from the “center” they can build one’s own room. #cleaninglady #minorities #migrantworkers #latina #mixedrace

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Hello! My name is Agata Zbylut and from today I will be telling you about what I have prepared as part of the OUR OWN ROOM project. ? The first part of the project will take place in my small apartment which I am renting in Warsaw. Over the last 5 years, I have taken thousands of photos on these less than 40 m2 flat. Dozens of them have been published on exhibitions, book and online publications, or simply on my Instagram. Over 80 of them will be displayed exactly in the parts of the apartment where they were taken. Five wonderful Guides will show you this “exhibition”: Ponury Żukowski (Tuesday 6.10), Kamila Goryszewska (Wednesday 7.10), Paulina Olszewska (Thursday 8.10), Hanka Samson (Friday 9.10) and Zofia Krawiec (Saturday 10.10). I invite only 5 people to each meeting. It won’t fit any more ? In the apartment, the Guides will tell about my works, but on the Instagram I will do it myself. I will tell the stories that motivated me to take the photos. You will also be able to see documentation from the project on Google Maps, where my business card has already been placed. Thanks Ines R. Artola for the invitation ❤ . . . #feminism #ourroom #ourvoice #virginiawoolf #womenartists #art #literature #culture #visualart #dance #theater #performance #contemporary #international #action #womenpower #independence #creating #supporting #iguality #humanrights #agatazbylut Follow us also in:

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Hola, mi nombre es Gabriela Carmona Slier, soy artista visual chilena. A partir de hoy y por una semana compartiré el trabajo que he preparado para el proyecto Our Own Room, inspirado en la obra de Virginia Woolf, bajo la curaduría de Inés R. Artola. He abordado el concepto de mi habitación propia, desde mi propio cuerpo, aludiendo a la imposibilidad de preservar o sentir como propio un territorio, y, presentaré una serie de acciones performáticas en torno diversas ideas y problemáticas que he desarrollado en mi trabajo durante los últimos años; por un lado, la violencia y el acoso al cuerpo femenino, y, su incesante hostigamiento, dolor y desaparición, como una constante social política en Latinoamérica y el mundo; y por otro lado, abordaré, aspectos de mi inconsciente, a partir de una serie de textos poéticos, además la creación de un lenguaje corporal que busca sus raíces en un yo primitivo y atemporal. Para el proyecto Our Own Room, he preparado una serie nueva, titulada, Imágenes quemadas, que consta de un videoperformance y registros fotográficos de los procesos, trabajo desarrollado a partir de la confección de piezas textiles con la técnica del telar. Agradezco a @inesruizartola por la invitación a participar de este proyecto.? #feminism #ourroom #ourvoice #virginiawoolf #womenartists #art #literature #culture #visualart #dance #theater #performance #contemporary #international #action #womenpower #independence #creating #supporting #iguality #humanrights Follow us also in:

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Habitación Propia Un lugar seguro, para mi y para mi hijo… Our Own Room A safe place, for me and my son… #feminism #ourroom #ourvoice #virginiawoolf #womenartists #art #literature #culture #visualart #dance #theater #performance #contemporary #international #action #womenpower #independence #creating #supporting #iguality #humanrights #softsculpture #contemporaryart #motherhood Follow us also in:

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#AllStitchedUp a series by @crisavage reflects upon the Latina stereotype of cleaning lady or sex worker, in which the artist eats the wool she used to mend a cushion. Wool is “Lana” in Spanish a slang word for “money” in Latino America. •••••••••• An extract from the newspaper @eldiarioes explains the findings on researching the Latino work markets in both Spain and the US, two countries where @crisavage has both lived and worked. “Spain: the stereotype of the unqualified Latin woman Unlike in the United States, in Spain there are hardly any studies on the stereotypes towards the Latino minority or other minorities of immigrant origin, making it more difficult to formulate a starting hypothesis. Even so, given the over-representation of Latinos, especially Latina women, in low-skilled jobs, it is likely that the stereotype of the Latino minority in Spain is that of the unskilled immigrant.” ••••• Reference

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Hola a todes, Mi nombre es Valeria Ghezzi, vivo en Lima, provengo de una familia peruana descendiente de inmigrantes europeos. Es un honor haber sido invitada esta semana para compartir mi trabajo con ustedes. Mi propuesta contempla distintas técnicas sobre el soporte plano del lienzo -desde la pintura al óleo pasando por el collage, el bordado, el ensamblaje y la instalación. Hago uso de citas e imágenes preexistentes proponiendo la relectura de formas, códigos y significados, que al mismo tiempo, buscan generar un espacio de contemplación. A través de la estampa, la línea y el enmarcado intento explorar el ángulo de la mirada y el sentido de la percepción. Me interesa lo que brota del reflejo, como una manera de develar el presente, vaciar las verdades y construir un testimonio de lo que muchas veces me resulta impropio –o simplemente algo que surge desde mi fuero interior. Espero servirles, gracias por acompañarme. This week/ Esta semana #feminism #ourroom #ourvoice #virginiawoolf #womenartists #art #literature #culture #visualart #dance #theater #performance #contemporary #international #action #womenpower #independence #creating #supporting #iguality #humanrights Follow us also in:

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Nido Instalación de sitio específico realizado durante la @residenciaepecuen Arquitectura de la desolación, nido construido con ruinas y maleza de los alrededores. Poco a poco me protegió del sol y de las avispas. Poco a poco la destruí antes de regresar a casa. #feminism #ourroom #ourvoice #virginiawoolf #womenartists #art #literature #culture #visualart #dance #theater #performance #contemporary #international #action #womenpower #independence #creating #supporting #iguality #humanrights Follow us also in:

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