Exhibit Yourself at CoCA, exhibition, courtesy by the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.

Photostory: “Exhibit Yourself at the Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu in Toruń

Staged annually by the Education Department, the photographic competition Exhibit Yourself at CoCA has become a regular feature in the programme of events at the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.

The aim of the event remains unchanged – it is to give freelance photographers an opportunity to present their work to a wider audience: the exhibition held at CoCA as a follow-up to the competition is visited by thousands of viewers every year. This is also a chance for the competitors to share their passion for photography and receive a boost to their artistic confidence. This year’s show includes works by 41 photographers.

The special CoCA Director’s Award has been part of the competition for a number of years now: the winner is invited to hold on-person exhibition at the Centre. So far, CoCA has hosted shows by Agnieszka Fiejka, Remigiusz Koniecko, Katarzyna Ewa Legendź, Baltazar Fajto, Iwona Germanek and Monika Cichoszewska. The eleventh follow-up show is accompanied by a display of photographic work by last year’s winner – Krzysztof Marchlak

Have a look at the photo gallery from the 11th Edition of ‘Wystaw się’ in Toruń:

Exhibit Yourself at CoCA, exhibition, courtesy by the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.
Exhibit Yourself at CoCA, exhibition, courtesy by the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.
Exhibit Yourself at CoCA, exhibition, courtesy by the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.
Exhibit Yourself at CoCA, exhibition, courtesy by the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.
Exhibit Yourself at CoCA, exhibition, courtesy by the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.
Exhibit Yourself at CoCA, exhibition, courtesy by the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.
Exhibit Yourself at CoCA, exhibition, courtesy by the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.
Exhibit Yourself at CoCA, exhibition, courtesy by the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.

More info: https://csw.torun.pl/edukacja/wystaw-sie-w-csw-2023-41531/ 

When: 24.03–23.04.2023

Curators: Agnieszka Basak-Wysota, Dorota Sobolewska, Lilia Kaletowska
Exhibition production:
Wojciech Ruminski
Coordinator: Lilia Kaletowska

The exhibition by Krzysztof Marchlak – the Director’s Award laureate at Exhibit Yourself at CoCA 2022 is on show until 23.04.2023, curated by Agnieszka Natalia Gołębiewska.

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