Art Basel

review Art Basel 2024 Photo Courtesy Art Basel

Diary of an Art Basel Survivor. Art Basel 2024: where the world's wealthiest gather to pretend they care about art.

Dorian Batycka Jun 20, 2024
Interview The Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts visiting the private Collection Sanziany at the Rasumofsky Palace during Vienna Contemporary Art Fair, 2019, photo by Michalina Musielik

We Can Build It Together The Society for Encouragement of Fine Arts in the Zachęta Gallery

Dobromiła Błaszczyk Feb 18, 2021
Interview Peter Bläuer, LISTE - Art Fair Basel,

Quality Rules The Roost An Interview With Liste Director Peter Bläuer

Marek Wołyński Jun 16, 2018
review photo I Never Read

Our Subjective Guide Art Fairs And Exhibitions In Basel

Contemporary Lynx Team Jun 13, 2018
art basel 2018

Basel: Starmach Gallery, Foksal Gallery Foundation, Raster Gallery, Stereo Gallery, Dawid Radziszewski Gallery, Contemporary Lynx Magazine

Contemporary Lynx Team Jun 12, 2018
review Art Basel Miami Beach logo

Our Subjective Guide To Art Fairs And Exhibitions In Miami Beach The 16th edition of Art Basel in Miami Beach

Michalina Sablik Dec 04, 2017
review Stefan Wojnecki in Adam Sobota, Nowe Horyzonty w Nowych Mediach Zjawiska Sztuki Polskiej w latach 1945-1981.

Photo Collectives That Brought Artists Together

Dobromiła Błaszczyk Sep 13, 2017

Basel: Liste Art Fair Basel – Contemporary Lynx, Maria Loboda, Gizela Mickiewicz

Contemporary Lynx Team May 29, 2017
review Art Basel 2016 – TREASURE HUNT

Art Basel 2016 Treasure Hunt

Dobromiła Błaszczyk Jul 28, 2016

Polish Artists At Art Basel 2015

Contemporary Lynx Team Jul 21, 2015

Contemporary Lynx Magazine #2 The second issue of our Magazine is out

Contemporary Lynx Team Aug 14, 2014

Art Basel

Contemporary Lynx Team May 18, 2014

“The Art Is A Common Good Which Belongs To The Society No Matter Who Is It’s Actual Owner” A Conversation With The German Collector Werner Jerke

Dobromiła Błaszczyk Aug 16, 2013

Polish Success On Liste Art Fair 2013

Dobromiła Błaszczyk Jul 22, 2013

Polish Artists At Art|44|Basel 2013

Dobromiła Błaszczyk Jul 13, 2013