The trademark of Miau Ceramics is its uniqueness. Each project is different and it’s very rare that the same thing is created twicer. At Anja Marschal’s you will find lots of funny and colourful projects created spontaneously. Anja loves making mistakes because it stimulates creativity and often leads to interesting solutions. Recently, we had the opportunity to talk to her and get to know her better. Read some anecdotes from her work, about her inspirations, and what advice she has for beginners.
We are proud to stock the beautiful bongs by Anna Miau Ceramics.
Your morning routine:
I hate routines, but there is one thing I can’t skip. A cup of coffee.
The first thing you do when you come to your studio:
It really depends on the day. If it’s a firing day, I will run to the kiln to see how the things transformed in the heat!
Instagram, Fb or no social media?
Instagram, yes.
Magazines/books you read:
Books! I read a lot of different things, from esoteric guides through science reports to classic and modern novels.
Three objects which are essential at your work:
Clay, Hands, Kiln
What are your favourite tools to help you to get the job done?
Coffee, coffee, coffee!
What inspires you and motivates you to get your work done?
The biggest satisfaction for me is to see people smile when they look at my work. That motivates me a lot.
One funny story from your work:
I sent once two different orders to the one address. I got a message from the girl : “Omg, thank you so much for the additional gift, I totally love the vase” 🙂 It was a vase worth 100 Euros. And of course she could keep it.
The project you are working on right now?
Moving my studio to the countryside 🙂
What do you love about your job? What sucks?
I love that my hands are my main tools. It is really satisfying to be able to use your own fingers to create new stuff. What sucks? Well,it is a hard, dirty, dusty, physical labour.
Handmade or mass production?
Do you work individually or with a team?
I work alone, but I stay in close contact with other ceramists and artisans. We exchange ideas, technical wisdom, and help each other out.
How do you rest and relax after work?
I go to a community garden in Warsaw and dig in the soil or water some plants.
Do you have advice for anybody who wants to work in your field?
Just start! You don’t need a lot of equipment to create ceramics. Clay, hands and some ideas. There are plenty of places where you can fire your stuff for a little money. Good luck!
Purchase bongs by Anna Miau Ceramics here:
White bong with cobalt stripes