New Images / New Look 2024. Photo: UAP archives, Jadwiga Subczyńska

New Images / New Looks 2024 Competition. We know the winners!

We know the winners of this year’s Artistic Award of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznań in the 13th edition of the NEW IMAGE / NEW LOOK 2024 competition. Our sincere congratulations to all the award winners.

Grand Prix – PLN 10,000:
Kryszpiniuk Gabriel | Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznań

mBank Prize – Purchase of a painting for the ‘m as painting’ collection in the amount of PLN 15,000:
Springer Jagoda | The Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznań

Director’s Award MOS Gorzów Wielkopolski – individual exhibition:
Jakub Woźnica | Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków

Prize of aTAK Gallery – PLN 5,000:
Pirjankow Luboslav | UAP and Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

Molski Gallery & Collection Award – PLN 3,000:
Kozicki Adam | Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

Royal Talens Award – voucher for materials in the amount of PLN 2,000:
Witek Katarzyna | Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław

I Prize of the Rogal company: a voucher of PLN 3,000 for the company’s products:
Dziwoki Nina | Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków

2nd Prize of the Rogal Company: a voucher of PLN 2,000 for products of the company:
Pirjankow Lubosław | UAP and Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

Rogal Third Prize: a voucher of PLN 1,000 for the products of the company:
Flasza Kinga | Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław

Special mention by the editors of Contemporary Lynx:
Flasza Kinga | Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław

Special mention by the editors of Notes na 6 tygodni:
Kozicki Adam | Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

Dean’s Award of the Faculty of Painting and Drawing UAP:
Ambroziak Cyryl | Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznań

In addition, for all the nominees, the company Renesans funded prizes in kind with a total value of PLN 10 000 in the form of art materials.


  • Ambroziak Cyryl
  • Dziwoki Nina
  • Flasza Kinga
  • Koszewicz Zofia 
  • Kozicki Adam 
  • Kryszpiniuk Gabriel 
  • Krzyżanowska Nikita
  • Majchrzak Mateusz
  • Nowicka Aleksandra 
  • Pirjankow Lubosław
  • Springer Jagoda 
  • Szymczykowska Julia
  • Tymańska Julia 
  • Witek Katarzyna
  • Woźnica Jakub 

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