EXPLORE Let us take you on a thrilling exploration of how contemporary art addresses mental health, touching on themes like loneliness, loss, pressure, fears, and trauma. Mental Health
& Wellbeing
GET STARTED On the windswept plains of an alien world bathed in twin suns, the Luminal Monolith stands as an enduring enigma. MYSTERY ANCIENT GET STARTED On the frozen surface of the remote ice world Vynara, vast lakes of liquid crystal, hide unkown mysteries in their endless, dark depths. WORLDS EXTREME

Issue 1 (15) 2021


Tino Sehgal ◦ Helmut Newton ◦ Agata Ingarden ◦ Krzysztof Kieślowski ◦ and more

Cover designed by Paola Ciarska

The first step into the discussion of the multi-layered meaning of our main theme is a playful collaboration on the cover — a colouring page, handcrafted by a British artist Paola Ciarska. The cover she created is a painting which shows the interiors of houses filled with furniture, decorations, and residents. Everyone can complete this painting and colour it any way they like, becoming its co-author. As a fun fact, this meticulously refined picture has elements of interior design, of which our readers sent photos of to us in the initial months of 2021.

In this issue, you will find the first interview in ten years with Tino Sehgal, one of the most important artists in the world, whose work mainly focuses on the relationship between art and the viewer, and between movement and music. You will take a closer look at the work of a Moldovan artist Pavel Brăila, who has repeatedly presented his work at documenta and Manifesta, focusing on his national identity, capitalism, and post-communism. You will also read an interview with Agata Ingarden, winner of the first edition of Allegro Prize, a competition for visual artists organised by Allegro and Contemporary Lynx Magazine. In addition, you will be able to take a look into the daily work of designers Justyna Fałdzińska and Miłosz Dąbrowski, founders of the UAU project, and delve into the everyday life of the London community depicted in the largest painting by Dale Lewis. The world of Helmut Newton‘s fashion photography will be introduced by Matthias Harder, director of the Berlin-based Helmut Newton Foundation. The well-known French collector and patron of the arts, Antoine de Galbert, will talk about the creation of his extraordinary collection of over three thousand works.

There will also be issues related to communities created within the film and theatre industries. You will have a unique opportunity to read the script of Krzysztof Kieślowski‘s unrealised film ‘Shot of the Week,’ which is presented to the public for the first time. We will also take a closer look at theatrical scenography as an independent artistic field.





ARTISTS / Close-up

16 Paola Ciarska. Parallel Rooms, Parallel Worlds

26 Tino Sehgal. Mirror Neurons

34 Pavel Brăila. Talks About the Importance of Social Justice in His Art Practice

40 Agata Ingarden. Meaty Rock

50 Dale Lewis. Special Feature

62 The Studio of Magdalena Abakanowicz. A Window to the World

66 Evita Vasiljeva. Artist to Look Out For in 2021

COMMUNITY / The Changing Face of the Art World

68 Bringing Individuals Together. On the Potential of Groups in Art

74 Art and Activism. All in the Hands of the Viewer

82 Krzysztof Kieślowski’s Unfinished Documentary

84 Shot of the Week — Script — One Reel. Krzysztof Kieślowski

89 Happier Together? Film

92 Family: The Spark, Touch and Essential Material. Visual Story

TREND-SPOTTING / New Culture Codes

108 Helmut Newton. In Conversation with Matthias Harder — the Director of the Helmut Newton Fundation

112 The Total Artist and Theatre Stage Design

118 UAU project. For Your Eyes Only

124 Design for Social Isolation. Eliminating Loneliness through Design

132 Gdynia Design Days. A Day in the Life

134 Objects of Desire

136 Austrian Cultural Forum. A Day in the Life

138 Living Together. Architecture


145 Amsterdam. The Sunny Side

COLLECTING / Treasure Hunt

154 Antoine de Galbert. Towards Infinite Horizons

162 Art Branding. When Brands Fall in Love With Art

164 NOW. This Is About What the Pandemic Has Changed, What Turned Out to Be Important, and How to Support Artists

TIPS / Shaping the Future

168 Communities: Working Together

176 Władysław Strzemiński. Radical Alphabet

178 Can You Be an Artist without a Social Media Presence?

182 On Our Shelf

185 Noobs. Comic Strip


  • Yasmine Akim,
  • Adrian Balcau,
  • Dobromiła Błaszczyk,
  • Anna Dziuba,
  • Patrycja Głusiec,
  • Mikołaj Jazdoń,
  • Sylwia Krasoń,
  • Maja Lorkowska,
  • Marie-Ève Lafontaine,
  • Aleksandra Mainka-Pawłowska,
  • Mannika Mishra,
  • Dobrosława Nowak,
  • Krzysztof Ratnicyn,
  • Patrycja Rozwora,
  • Grażyna Siedlecka,
  • Karol Szafraniec,
  • Anna Tomczak,
  • Anja Tomljenović,
  • Marek Wołyński,
  • Kuba Żary


  • Marta Krysińska,
  • Mateusz Kołek,
  • Weronika Wolska,
  • Alfred Twu

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