Issue 2 (10) 2018

Virtual Reality & Future

Broomberg & Chanarin ◦ Artificial Intelligence ◦ Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo ◦ Errors in Creative Process ◦ and more

Cover designed by Justyna Górowska

Everyone visualises the future once in a while. Few people would claim that they have never considered the intriguing question of what our reality might be in ten, one hundred, or even a thousand years time. Nonetheless, it takes bravery to truly throw oneself headfirst into such unchartered territory. This is the task of the dreamers, visionaries and courageous adventurers who work beyond the here and now. These are people who are not afraid of making mistakes and always get back up after failure. They show us how we can benefit from errors by transforming them into impact, thereby further developing art and science, and allow us to take a tiny step further.

In this issue, we emphasise VISIONARY IMAGINATION / THE FUTURE / VIRTUAL REALITY / ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / ERRORS IN A CREATIVE PROCESS. We ask you to be open-minded about the new possibilities and parallel realities created by visionaries and new technologies.

Everyone visualises the future once in a while. Few people would claim that they have never considered the intriguing question of what our reality might be in ten, one hundred, or even a thousand years time. Nonetheless, it takes bravery to truly throw oneself headfirst into such uncharted territory. This is the task of the dreamers, visionaries and courageous adventurers who work beyond the here and now. These are people who are not afraid of making mistakes and always get back up after failure. They show us how we can benefit from errors by transforming them into impact, thereby further developing art and science, and allow us to take a tiny step further.

The figures that we present in this issue of Contemporary Lynx are not careless fantasisers who walk around with their head in the clouds. They are determined and dedicated artists who set clear goals and strive to achieve them. Their unique work and innovative achievements are our main area of focus throughout the issue. We talk to Broomberg & Chanarin, the London-based artist and curator duo known for their boundary-pushing work. We interview Norman Leto, one of the bravest visionaries among contemporary Polish artists. We also detail the fascinating story behind the pioneering artificial intelligence work of Edward Ihnatowicz. Other articles in this issue revolve around how visions of the future intersect with technology — something that helps us to overcome the limits defined by our bodies and minds. Technology gives us an additional hand, leg, or even a hard drive connected to our brain, and consequently enhances our skills, improves our memory and changes our perception. We will show you that cyborgs are not machines created by humans. On the contrary, it is us humans who evolve and turn into cyborgs. This shocking conclusion brings us to subsequent topics such as cyber narration, virtual reality and artificial intelligence. The latter in particular makes us question what being a human really means. After all, consciousness, creativity, learning and decision making are increasingly skills and traits of modern robots. Maybe what was presented in ‘Inception’ is true. Maybe the real world is somewhere else and we are drifting around in a dream or, more probably, a virtual reality. Maybe we are avatars, like the ones in computer games. Maybe we perform a quirky video dance in cyberspace and are directed by real players who we are not able to see.

In this issue, we emphasise VISIONARY IMAGINATION / THE FUTURE / VIRTUAL REALITY / ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / ERRORS IN A CREATIVE PROCESS. We ask you to be open-minded about the new possibilities and parallel realities created by visionaries and new technologies.






ARTISTS / Close-up

20 Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin. Hacking Reality

28 Norman Leto. Extrapolating Reality

38 Justyna Górowska. For Your Eyes Only

44 Henryk Stażewski. Doyen of the Avant-Garde

50 Rafał Milach. Special Feature

BEING HUMAN / New Narratives

62 Leaky Bodies

68 How (and What) Will We Create in the Future?

70 The Virtual Replacement of Dance and Performance Artists

78 Senster — Lost and Found

84 Exploring Space. Photo Story

TREND-SPOTTING / New Culture Codes

98 Technological Odyssey. Post-identities, Contemporary Art, and the Internet

108 Listening to Unseen Stories. A More Egalitarian Artistic Experience

110 In/Human. A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Cinema


115 Turin. The Enigma of Motor City

COLLECTING / Treasure Hunt

124 Not Afraid to Bet on the Future. An Interview with Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

130 Millennials’ New Love for Collecting Art

132 Chains Around My Art

140 Hotel Europejski Art Collection

120 Artists and 500 Works of Art

144 Collecting Contemporary Sculpture

TIPS / Shaping Future

148 How to Work Together with Artists, Curators and Institutions

154 Czech Centre London. A Day in the Life

156 European ArtEast Foundation

158 A Radar in Flux: Fantasies That Tease Prophecies

162 Things to Learn from Facebook

163 On Our Shelf



  • Griffin Art Space



  • Dobromiła Błaszczyk,
  • Natalia Dorocka,
  • Anna Dziuba,
  • Michał Korta,
  • Sławek Kozdraś,
  • Piotr Krajewski,
  • Sylwia Krasoń,
  • Maggie Kuzan,
  • Sonia Milewska,
  • Małgorzata Miśkowiec,
  • Kamila Naglik,
  • Roma Piotrowska,
  • Michalina Sablik,
  • Karol Szafraniec,
  • Monika Waraxa,
  • Marek Wołyński,
  • Kuba Żary

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